8 Benefits Of Teaching Discipline To Children From An Early Age
YOGYAKARTA Teaching discipline to children is not easy. Parents should not scold, scream, hit, but realize how important it is to control children's behavior, thoughts and emotions. Traditionally, discipline is the basis for children to understand the consequences of their actions. After understanding the consequences, children will make decisions to behave well and build positive traits. More specificly, teaching discipline to children from an early age plays a role for the following:
Research published in the journal Frotiers of Psychology, shows self-control is not about knowing deficiencies. But by self-control, a person can manage conflicts and make decisions that are in line with personal goals. This is the first role in educating children about discipline.
When facing new challenges or certain problems, stress lurks. Not that stress is a scary ghost, but this mental condition needs to be managed properly so as not to interfere with mental stability. So, referring to the research reported by Fatherly, Wednesday, July 26, self-control and feeling good with yourself may be more useful instead of judging yourself badly.
Researchers found there is a strong relationship between level of self-control and life satisfaction. In short, discipline is a way to control yourself and the more you can control what you have on you, the more you can enjoy life.
Still related to the consequences, when children recognize the consequences for their choices, they will learn from past experiences. Discipline also makes students smarter and more motivated. Research shows that students who have high self-discipline may be able to focus more on long-term goals and make better choices related to academic engagement.
Research shows that people with high levels of control can focus more on getting positive benefits. So that with discipline, a child can be oriented towards various approaches rather than avoiding certain approaches to achieving positive things.
Still referring to research, that self-control helps people achieve things they consider important and priority. With discipline and being able to control yourself, children are not easily tempted by things that hinder efforts to achieve goals.
According to a study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, self-control and fortitude have become the two most important variables that explain success in various aspects of people's daily lives. Diversity increases the achievement of goals that must be pursued with discipline. Having the discipline to pursue goals allows one to survive external obstacles that prevent the achievement of goals.
Self-control increases pending satisfaction and directly affects the mind, emotions, and encouragement of the heart. Children who are poor in self-control are more likely to display aggressive behavior, experience anxiety, and suffer from depression.
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The eight roles above imply that the role of teaching discipline to children from an early age, not only mental but also physical. Because this is related to living a healthy lifestyle and consuming healthy food and drinks.