Defense Secretary Austin Says US Has No Intention Of Building Permanent Military Bases At PNG Despite Defense Treaty

JAKARTA - United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said on Thursday during his visit to Papua New Guinea (PNG), Washington had no intention of building a permanent military base in the country despite a new defense agreement.

PNG and US signed a defense cooperation agreement last May, establishing a framework for Washington to renew PNG ports and airports for military and civilian use.

The treaty text shows the agreement allows the deployment of US troops and equipment at PNG, including the Lombrum naval base being developed by Australia and the United States.

Defense Minister Austin met with PNG Prime Minister James Marape on a visit to discuss deeper defense ties.

"I just want to make it clear, we are not looking for a permanent base in PNG," Defense Minister Austin told a news conference in the capital PNG, Port Moresby.

He further said that the two countries deepen existing defense relations, modernize PNG's defense forces and increase interoperability.

"Our goal is to ensure that we strengthen PNG's ability to defend itself and protect its interests," Defense Secretary Austin said.

In a tweet on Twitter, Defense Secretary Austin said he was honored to be the first US Secretary of Defense to visit Papua New Guinea.

"I am very proud of the progress we have made together to deepen defense relations, welcoming bilateral collaboration in the future," he tweeted.

The United States and its allies are seeking to prevent Pacific island countries from forming security ties with China, an increasing concern amid tensions over Taiwan and after Beijing signed a security pact with the Solomon Islands.

Meanwhile, the PNG Parliament has not ratified the deal, which some opposition party politicians fear will disappoint China's main trading partners. PM Marape himself said his government prioritized diplomacy.