Lady Gaga And Canceling Concerts In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta or Lady Gaga is an influential figure in the world music scene. Even though it is full of controversy. Her actions and singing on stage are often eagerly awaited by her fans. Their desire to witness their idol performs directly. However, not in Indonesia.

His concert titled The Born This Way Ball in Jakarta was forced to cancel. Gelora rejects Gaga as the estuary. On the one hand, Gaga is considered to be allied with the devil. On the other hand, Gaga's presence is considered to have damaged the nation's morale.

Lady Gaga and music are two inseparable. Gaga has even known and explored music since childhood. He then set high dreams. The woman who was born March 24, 1986, wants to be a famous singer and songwriter.

Every day he continued to work hard to achieve dreams. The hard work paid off. He met fate with Interscope Records. The record label was willing to become Gaga's medium for success. The neat partnership resulted in a new music album. The Fame (2008), his name.

Gaga's songs are like Just Dance and Papuanazzi being her flagship song. The results were brilliant. The woman nicknamed Mother Monster shot up to everywhere. Her face often appears in the mass media. Mainly, when the album The Popularis was sweet, it was sold on the market, even up to 12 million copies.

This achievement did not necessarily make Gaga complacent. He often tries to challenge himself in his career. This optimism makes Interscope Records not want to lose. The record company from Santa Monica, California wants Gaga to be one of its gold mines.

The two then agreed to perpetuate a promising partnership. The deal is famously called a 360 deal. The record label is profitable, as well as Gaga. His name is getting echoed everywhere, throughout the country.

The 360 deal then produced an unexpected success concoction. Good song, eccentric style, and controversy. The concoction makes the album and concert always awaited by Little Monsters (the name of Gaga's fan base). In fact, tickets are often sold out.

The 'Wall Street Journal' said '360 Agreement' gave Gaga a lot of advantages. The music was liked by listeners. The concert tickets are always sold out on world tours. The concerts are selling well. Giant brands -- like Polaroid, Estee Lauder MAC, Sprint Virgin Mobile, and giant perfume company Coty Inc follow wherever Gaga performs.

The performance of the stage and sales of merchandise are important as extra income outside of album sales. Music industry observers in the country said the move started with Management that must be creative. The key to Gaga's management's success, said Bens, is their ability to strengthen the artist's character. Gaga's controversy is constantly maintained. This is also what makes Madonna still survive," said Bobby Chandra in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled Ibu Monster's Money Midfield (2012).

Gaga's popularity makes fans want to witness the idol directly. In Indonesia, especially. Little Monsters can't wait. Especially after Gaga's promoter to Indonesia,Big Daddy Entertainment has announced Gaga will appear in Indonesia through a concert titled The Born This Way Ball.

On June 3, 2012, it was chosen and the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Main Stadium, Jakarta was asked to be the location of the concert. The enthusiasm of the audience from all over Indonesia peaked. They immediately hunted for concert tickets. Instead of taking a long time, the concert tickets actually sold out in a short time.

Promoters are just having fun, especially Gaga. The famous American singer can't wait to perpetuate his concert in Indonesia. In fact, far from the fire. Gaga's arrival received rejection from various parties.

Organizations such as the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), and Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia strongly reject Gaga's arrival. The rejection was perpetuated for various reasons.

Gaga is accused of being a cultivator of demons. There are also those who call Gaga the main supporter of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders (LGBT). The essence of Gaga's arrival is highlighted because she is an icon that can damage the nation's morale, especially students.

The rejection made many politicians speak up. Some are pros and some are cons. Gaga's concert plans finally had to be canceled. Security issues are the main reason for the cancellation. Even security permits never come out. Because, the concert is considered to have many disadvantages, rather than benefits.

In early June, Lady Gaga's singer's concert with tickets sold out was threatened by FPI, who insisted that her sexy clothes and provocative body movements could damage teens. Authorities are confused, various related institutions (local governments, police) fail to reach an agreement regarding the issuance of permits.

Lady Gaga canceled the tour when FPI announced that it had bought the concert ticket and would attack the audience. The FPI protest is a 'political star' performance rather than an honest moral concern that has been proven through the fact that FPI has never tried to stop the circulation of Lady Gaga's video clip on television screens throughout Indonesia," explained Kathryn Robinson in the book Seksuality in Indonesia: Sexual Politics, Health, Diversity, and Representation (2014).