PP Presisi Realizes Commitment To Social Responsibility And Plans Sustainable CSR

JAKARTA - PT PP Presisi Tbk, a heavy equipment-based company focused on Indonesia's construction and mining, has again demonstrated its commitment to the development of the Indonesian people through the implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

Recently, PT PP Presisi Tbk carried out mass circumcision on Saturday, June 24, which involved approximately 100 children as participants. In addition, PT PP Presisi Tbk also distributed sacrificial meat with a total weight of up to 2 tons in celebration of Eid al-Adha on June 30 for the local community.

This CSR program was implemented as concrete evidence for the implementation of PER-1/MBU/03/2023 which was ratified by the Company at the time of the Annual GMS on May 24, 2023, a regulation issued by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia concerning Assignment of Social and Environmental Responsibility.

"We are very happy to be able to realize the TJSL program series, we understand that our responsibility is not only limited to business, but also to real contributions to society. Through this mass circumcision program and the distribution of sacrificial meat, we hope to help ease the burden on the community in the health aspect of children as the nation's next generation and daily nutritional needs," said PP Presisi Corporate Secretary, M. Arif Iswahyudi, in his statement, Wednesday, July 5.

I Gede Upeksa Negara as the President Director of PP Presisi also added that this is part of his mission to play a role in community development.

"With this CSR program series program, we hope to help promote public welfare and health. We are committed to continuing to implement similar programs in the future as part of our efforts to realize the company's social responsibility," he explained.

In addition to mass circumcision and distribution of sacrificial meat, PT PP Presisi Tbk also plans to carry out a number of other CSR programs in the near future referring to the main pillars of SDGs, namely Social Pillars, Economic Pillars, Environmental Pillars and Legal and Governance Pillars.

"We have several plans for the upcoming CSR agenda, among others, we will carry out a reforestation and reforestation program to support environmental sustainability which is our regular agenda every year," concluded I Gede Upeksa Negara.