Pros And Cons Of The Graduation Procession For Kindergarten To High School

JAKARTA The implementation of the graduation procession at the Kindergarten (TK) to High School (SMA) level has become a hot topic of conversation for the community. Many refuse, but many also think it is a natural thing.

The reason for the usual rejection is usually related to costs. The graduation procession, especially in kindergarten, is just a waste of money. It's also not impressive for children and parents.

The end of school moments in kindergarten are actually more about celebrations and awards, as well as moments to show parents the achievement of their children for one year.

"Legal education in kindergarten is only for a short time, only for one year, why is there a graduation. It's enough for the performance of the children. There's no need to rent a building, rent a toga, rent a kebaya, and so on, waste money, not necessarily all of them can afford to pay," said Fadli, the parents of a kindergarten student in Depok when talking to VOI on June 18, 2023.

Likewise, Elementary School (SD) and Junior High School (SMP) levels, quite a farewell event.

"If there is a high school, yes, there could be a graduation because not all students will continue their education to college. So, those who do not continue have the opportunity to feel graduation," he continued.

Moreover, if at every level there is a graduation procession, the meaning of graduation in higher education will be lost. People will no longer consider college graduation to be something impressive.

Even so, many also replied that graduating from kindergarten to high school is actually not something new. Schools usually have made it a tradition and of course have become an agreement between the school and the parents.

"Sometimes it's just a matter of mentioning names. If you want to use the name of graduation or separation, the core of the event remains the same. If you say graduation, you have to use toga, not really. Universities alone do not all require toga at graduation. So, why should there be so many questions about graduation, after all, this has also been held every year," added Rangga in the conversation.

The problem until the graduation procession went viral on social media only regarding additional money. If, the school explained from the start that there would be additional costs for the procession of the final school event, parents would understand.

"Even like in kindergartens, now many have put the costs of the final school event procession into entry fees. So later it will not suddenly ask the parents of students again," he said.

Universitas Bologna di Italia dan Universitas Oxford di Inggris, menurut sejumlah literasi, menjadi perguruan tinggi yang mem popularikan penguruan dalam kont context modern. Kemudian, berbagai perguruan tinggi di Eropa dan Amerika Utara mulai mengadapkannya dengan prosesi yang sesuai dengan tradisi masing-masing wilayah.

Currently, graduation has become an annual procession, especially for universities, including universities in Indonesia. The meaning remains the same as academic achievement, recognition and appreciation, transition to a new stage, as well as pride and satisfaction.

Even so, said the Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Union Expert Council (FSGI) Retno Listyarti, its implementation was only an initiative of the leadership of educational institutions such as school principals or rectors. This is also due to parental consent. There is no official government regulation or ministry related to the procession

"This means that if it is burdensome, it does not need to be held, especially for kindergarten to high school levels. Schools or madrasas should consider the benefits more carefully and wisely. If it is heavy in cost, it can be done simply, from the event, clothing, to equipment," said Retno in a statement received by VOI on June 19.

The Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Makarim, according to Retno, also felt the need to make a circular regarding that. Guide to existing regulations, such as Permendikbudristek No. 50 of 2022 concerning School Uniforms for Elementary to High School Students.

In the regulation, there is a provision for the use of traditional clothing in schools as a response to public complaints because there are areas/schools that consider traditional clothing as one of the school uniforms. So it is very reasonable to add graduation clothes or release students who graduate.

"For example, graduation can be done using only the typical school uniforms that students already have. At least the Ministry of Education and Culture issued a circular that graduation is not mandatory so schools do not create graduation programs that seem mandatory," added Retno.