Twitter Refuses To Pay Google Cloud Bills, Trust And Security Team Threatened
JAKARTA - Twitter refuses to pay Google Cloud bills because its contract expires this month, which could result in the social media company's trust and security team being paralyzed. This was first reported by the Platformer on Saturday, June 10.
Prior to the takeover of the social media platform by Elon Musk last October, Twitter had signed a multi-year contract with Google over spam management and account protection.
Laporan dari Platformer tidak memberikan detail tentang bagaimana konflik antara kedua perusahaan tersebut dapat menghambat tim kepercayaan dan keamanan Twitter. Sementara The Information mengatakan bahwa Twitter telah berusaha untuk melakukan negosiasi ulang kontraknya dengan Google sejak Maret lalu.
Reported by the Platform, so far, Twitter has kept some services on its own servers and is using Amazon and Google cloud platforms for other services.
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In March, Amazon warned Twitter that it would withhold advertising payments as bills that Twitter had not paid to Amazon Web Services over cloud computing services, according to a report from The Information.
Since the commissioning by Musk, Twitter has dramatically reduced costs and cut employment of thousands of employees. Musk has ordered companies to reduce infrastructure costs, such as spending on cloud services, amounting to $1 billion, as revealed by sources to Reuters in November.
Twitter did not immediately respond to requests for questions from the media, while Google also did not immediately respond to requests for comment.