World Cup Passed, U-22 Indonesian National Team Answered With Gold SEA Games: The Other Side Of Football Politicization

The brilliant achievement of the Indonesian U-22 national team in winning a gold medal at the 2023 SEA Games is an important moment for Indonesian football. However, behind this glory, it cannot be denied that politicization in the world of football still exists and even more sticking out ahead of the 2024 presidential election. The Indonesian U-22 national team shows an extraordinary hard work, determination, and fighting spirit in their journey towards the 2023 SEA Games gold victory. Thousands of supporters who packed the road when the procession at the Hotel Indonesia Roundabout became clear evidence of the people's enthusiasm for this achievement. In fact, President Jokowi also gave awards to the national team as a form of appreciation for their achievements. This gold achievement must be used as an acceleration momentum to raise the achievements of Indonesian football as a whole. In an article on VOI, it is stated that this achievement must be a driving force for the development of Indonesian football. Despite the politicization of football facing, sports glory must remain the main focus that unites the nation. The Prestation of the U-22 Indonesian National Team is also a reflection of grief for the failure to host the U-20 World Cup. Indra Sjafri, the U-22 Indonesian national team coach, became one of the figures who succeeded in raising the enthusiasm of the players to rise from previous disappointments. And this deserves appreciation. After waiting for 32 years, the success of the U-22 Indonesian national team in winning the SEA Games gold medal brought the SEA Games gold medal happiness and pride for the community. LaNyalla, the chairman of the DPD who is also the former chairman of PSSI, praised this achievement. Fasting for 32 years finally ended, and this achievement is proof that we are a strong nation. Not only ordinary society, but also political figures like Puan Maharani gave appreciation for the achievements of the U-22 Indonesian national team. Even Puan, who served as Chair of the DPR, had mentioned the achievements of the football national team at Sea Games while chairing the meeting The plenary session related to the 2024 RAPBN. This shows that achievements in the field of sports are able to unite various elements of society, including at the political level. Not only that, the U-22 Indonesian national team also recorded several important records in the 2023 SEA Games. They appear shallow, dramatic, and extraordinary in every match. This proves that Indonesia has great potential in the world of football and is able to compete with other countries. However, in the midst of the excitement The gold victory cannot be ignored by politicization that lurks the world of football ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Some parties may try to take advantage of the achievements of the U-22 Indonesian national team for their political interests. As published in the media, at least posters of political figures will emerge who will advance in the legislative and regional elections after Indonesia won gold at the 2023 SEA Games. This indicates that sports achievements are often used for certain political interests. This this needs to be watched out for so that we stay focused on the achievement itself, not political means. Therefore, it is important for us as a society not to be trapped in this politicization and to stay focused on true sports achievements. The achievements of the U-22 Indonesian national team at the 2023 SEA Games should be a momentum to realize positive changes in the management of Indonesian football. It is important for us to remember that football is a sport that unites the nation and becomes an arena to show our abilities at the international level. The politics that occurs must be avoided so that football remains a tool that brings happiness, pride, and unity to the Indonesian people. Moreover, ahead of the presidential and soccer elections are the most popular sports that have millions of fanatical fans. In the context of the 2024 presidential election, we must prioritize the interests of sports and separate football from narrow political interests. The achievements of the Indonesian U-22 national team at the SEA Games 2023 should be a starting point to build a strong foundation in the development of Indonesian football in the future. In this case, the role of PSSI and all related parties is very important. They must maintain the integrity of this sport, avoid harmful politicization, and focus on developing young talents and better coaching of football infrastructure. Achievement Of the Indonesian U-22 National Team at the 2023 SEA Games is proof that Indonesian football has great potential. We as well as the community must support and build collective awareness to maintain achievement and honesty in this sport.

Therefore, let us hope that the brilliant achievements of the Indonesian U-22 national team at the 2023 SEA Games will not only be a moment that passes away, but become a milestone for the revival of Indonesian football. By maintaining the integrity of the sport and avoiding harmful politicization, we can strengthen the foundations of homeland football and present a more brilliant future for this sport. In an effort to achieve this, there are several steps that need to be taken. First, there needs to be high transparency and accountability in the management of football. PSSI and all related parties must be responsible in carrying out their duties and obligations, as well as maintaining the integrity of this sport. The decisions taken must be based on objective considerations and not influenced by political or personal interests. Second, it is important to continue to develop young talents in Indonesian football. Comprehensive coaching programs are needed, ranging from the level of grassroots to professionals. Improvement of infrastructure and training facilities also needs to be considered in order to provide adequate support for young players.Third, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation between football clubs with the Indonesian national team. Clubs must see the National Team as a partner in developing talented players. This will strengthen the domestic competition and expand the quality player base. Fourth, support from the government is also very important. The government needs to pay considerable attention and financial support to the development of Indonesian football. In addition, policies that support comprehensive sports development must also be implemented. Fifth, active participation from society is also the key in developing Indonesian football. Community support and enthusiasm can encourage players and national teams to achieve higher achievements. The community also needs to play an active role in monitoring and fighting harming politicization of this sport. By taking these steps, it is hoped that the brilliant achievements of the Indonesian U-22 National Team at the 2023 SEA Games can be a milestone for the revival of Indonesian football. This achievement should be the beginning of a better change and bring Indonesia towards higher achievements in the international arena.