Application For Appeal Rejected By PT DKI, Ferdy Sambo Is Still Sentenced To Death

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta High Court (PT) rejected the appeal filed by Ferdy Sambo in the alleged murder case against Yosua alias Brigadier J.

This is because the panel of judges eased the death sentence that was handed down in the first instance court.

"Strengthening the decision of the South Jakarta District Court number 796/PID.B/2022/Pn.Jaksel dated February 13, which was requested for an appeal," said Chairman of the Singgih Panel of Judges Budi Prakoso during a trial at the DKI Jakarta High Court, Wednesday, April 12.

Then, in its decision, the panel of judges ordered that Ferdy Sambo remain detained at the Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok.

"Determining the defendant remains in custody," said Singgih.

As a reminder, at the first instance trial which took place at the South Jakarta District Court, Ferdy Sambo was found guilty of premeditated murder of Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabara alias Brigadier J. Thus, he was sentenced to death.

The verdict is higher than the demands submitted by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) at the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office (Kejari) which is only sentenced to life imprisonment.

In this case, Ferdy Sambo was declared proven guilty of violating Article 340 in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) to (1) of the Criminal Code. In addition, Article 233 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code subsidies Article 221 paragraph (1) 2 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.