German Antitrust Regulators Review Microsoft's Market Forces

JAKARTA - German antitrust authorities are reviewing Microsoft's market power, which could lead to an investigation into the US-based tech giant's business practices and a possible ban if found to be detrimental to competition.

The Bundeskartellamt said it would decide whether Microsoft should be designated a "very important company for competition in certain markets".

"Such findings will allow us to take action at an early stage and ban possible anti-competitive practices," said Bundeskartellamt President Andreas Mundt.

A Microsoft spokesperson said: "As a major technology company, we are mindful of our responsibility to support an environment of fair competition."

"We will communicate with the Bundeskartellamt constructively as they seek to understand our role in the digital market," the spokesperson added in an emailed statement to Reuters.

This process marks the first stage in a two-stage process and does not yet involve an assessment of the company's specific practices, the regulator said in a statement.

"If the complaint or other information suggests there is any indication that Microsoft is engaging in potentially anti-competitive practices, a separate decision should be issued in this regard - also in consultation with the European Commission and possibly other competition authorities," the Bundeskartellamt said.

German authorities have stated that Google parent company Alphabet and Facebook owner Meta are very important companies for competition in the market.