JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani revealed that there was growth in regional tax revenues and regional levies in April 2023, which amounted to 9.65 percent and 10.31 percent year on year (yoy), respectively.
According to the Minister of Finance, regional tax revenues were recorded at IDR 69.7 trillion compared to IDR 63.6 trillion last year.
Meanwhile, regional retribution posted IDR 2.1 trillion from the previous IDR 1.9 trillion.
"Regional tax performance and regional levies are increasing, this is encouraging," he said when giving an explanation of the realization of the APBN, quoted Thursday, May 25.
Sri Mulyani explained that the regional tax increased driven by the growth of consumptive tax realization.
"This indicates economic activity in areas that continues to improve," he said.
Meanwhile, for retribution, he continued, double-digit growth was supported by an increase in operating service income.
"There are also those obtained from certain licensing receipts," he said.
اقرأ أيضا:
In general, as of April 2023, local revenue (PAD) is dominated by regional taxes with a portion of 80.1 percent. Followed by another PAD of 13.5 percent.
"Meanwhile, the portion of regional financial management is separated (including from BUMD) and regional levies are only 4 percent and 2.5 percent, respectively," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.
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