JAKARTA - The new name for TweetDeck is finally here: XPro. If you visit the URL for TweetDeck while not logging into the account, you will see the words "XPro" at the top of the page. Elon Musk, owner of X, the company formerly known as Twitter, announced the name XPro last week.
As many of Twitter's rebranding to X, there are still many old brand remnants visible on the page. Images on the home page still display the Twitter bird logo clearly, and a tagline on the page reads "a real-time powerful tool for people who live on Twitter."
However, there are some additional appearances about XPro on the page, including a sentence asking if you might be "looking for a previous version of XPro?", a link to "go to the previous XPro" (although directing to the TweetDeck login page), and at the bottom of the page, there is a link to the XPro Terms and Provisions (which directs to the page currently titled "TweetDeck Preview Program").
One of the changes that is still awaited is that XPro is a subscription benefit, but it can happen very soon. On July 3, the company's support account said that XPro would only be available to those paying to be verified "within 30 days," so if X fulfills his promise, the changes will happen soon.
As part of the announcement, X said he would launch TweetDeck Preview which has long been prepared as TweetDeck 2.0, but currently, I can still use the old version of the app.
Rebranding X as a whole is slowly starting to be implemented across platforms, including on the company's Android and iOS apps. The large, flickering X logo was added at the top of X's headquarters in San Francisco before finally being picked up
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