India's Retail Reliance Retail will launch an activated 4G laptop, named JioBook, at a price of 16,499 rupees (IDR 3 million) on August 5. This retailer owned by Mukesh Ambani hopes to repeat the success of its cheap phone with this laptop.
JioBook will use Google's Android OS-based JioOS operating system. This laptop will be equipped with JioTV and JioCloudGames applications that have been installed previously. This was revealed by the company.
Earlier in October, Reuters had reported citing sources that JioBook would be produced locally by contractor producer Flex.
Ambani's reliance is known for its highly competitive price offerings that often interfere with the market. In 2016, her wireless venture, Jio Infocomm, rocked India's mobile market with a low-cost internet plan.
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