JAKARTA - Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo said the determination of the Indonesian contingent for the 2023 SEA Games in Cambodia had been completed. However, he still could not reveal in detail.
The Minister of Youth and Sports admitted that he still had to report to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). He said the deadline for the contingent announcement would be delivered this week.
"It's been (preparing for the contingent), Thursday night it's all over. But before the names are announced in the contingent, I will discuss it first with the leader (President)," said the Menpora after a coordination meeting across the Ministry of Institutions in preparation for the 2023 FIBA World Cup at Wisma Kemenpora, Senayan on Monday 10 April afternoon WIB.
"This week we are chasing," continued the Minister when asked about when to announce the contingent sent.
Regarding the number of contingents to depart, it is likely the same as the previous edition in Hanoi. It's just that the sports (sports) that are prioritized to depart are team numbers, not individuals.
"If (the contingent) is smaller than before, it seems impossible, because this must be shared from now on, yes, we must know that when in Hanoi there were 39 gold medals that were not competed in Cambodia," explained Dito.
"What is not profitable anymore is that many of these sports are groups, not individuals. So we have calculated the reviews are very strict, which is definitely effective and efficient," he added.
Menpora Dito juga yakin tim Indonesia yang turun di SEA Games 2023 Cambodia pada 5-17 Mei nanti bisa meraih prestasi maksimal. Oleh karenanya, diharapkan seluruh atlet yang berjuang di lapangan laga agar mengeluarkan seluruh kemampuan demi mendapatkan medali emas-banyaknya.
"We certainly hope that the Indonesian team at the SEA Games will be able to excel. That's why we focus," he concluded.
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