JAKARTA - A black aerial cable was seen hanging over the sidewalk in the Ring 1 area, Veteran Street, to be precise on the right side of the fence of the Supreme Court (MA) office or opposite the left side fence area of the Presidential Palace, Central Jakarta.

From VOI's observation at the location, the cable crossed the top of the electric pole of Jalan Veteran and headed into the MA Office fence. However, the transverse cable actually covered the access of pedestrians crossing the sidewalk.

In addition, the aerial cable also looks chaotic and is not neatly arranged. In fact, the area is an area ring 1 of the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Indonesia.

Moreover, currently ahead of the ASEAN Summit, the area around Ring 1 of the State Palace still has chaotic cables.

This was complained by one of the sidewalk users who used to walk around the area. According to Erikson (38), walking is his routine when he wants to work in the area around Gambir.

The man who lives in the Depok area, almost every day works using the KRL train transportation and gets off at Juanda Station. After getting off at Juanda Station, sometimes he continues to ride online motorcycle taxi services or walk to his office.

"Sometimes he likes to pass here (Veteran Street) next to the MA office on foot to the office. The condition of the cable hanging on the sidewalk is quite disturbing pedestrian access because it is blocked by cables," he said, Thursday, August 3.

Erikson hopes that parties related to the owner of the aerial cable so that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government can immediately arrange cables that interfere with the beauty of the city. Including cables that cross many public facilities such as sidewalks and roads.

Previously, it was reported that the Central Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-dept. (Sudin BM) continued to control a number of messy aerial cables at a number of points in Central Jakarta.

"What is clear is that we secured (air cables) first. What is still a mess, we are still keeping it up first. It's still going on, because there is no specific period of routine," said Head of the Highways Sub-dept., Soleh when confirmed by VOI, Monday, July 31.

However, the control of the aerial cables is only carried out by tying the aerial cables without moving them to underground manholes. The reason is, the process of transferring the aerial cables underground is not the authority of the Central Jakarta BM Sub-dept., but the DKI Jakarta Provincial Highways Office.

"Policies in the province (transferring cables to mainholes). Because there is no such activity in the Sub-Department," he said.

The danger of aerial cables crossing the road is so clearly visible. Even recently, fiber optic aerial cables on Antasari Street, South Jakarta claimed victims.

A Brawijaya student, Sultan Rif'at Alfatih, lost his voice, and even had difficulty eating and drinking and breathing due to his neck being entangled in a transverse aerial cable.

Hopefully, the government can quickly overcome the problem of chaotic aerial cables so that the next victim does not arise.

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