JAKARTA - Two children of Panji Gumilang, IP and AP, are said to have failed to fulfill the summons for examination as witnesses in the alleged Money Laundering (TPPU) case. Panji's child has not been present twice.

"He's IP is sick, hopefully later after he's healthy he can attend too. AP hasn't happened to be abroad yet," said Panji Gumilang's attorney, Hendra Effendi, to reporters, Friday, July 28.

IP is known to be the Chairman of the Management of the Indonesian Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YPI) which oversees the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School. Meanwhile AP serves as a secretary.

In addition, of the six witnesses who were also summoned to provide information, only two were present. The reason is that other witnesses were hampered by activities that could not be abandoned.

"Two people from the foundation were present because they were related to the extraordinary busy activities of the foundation today at the Islamic boarding school," he said.

"The administrators of the foundation, Ustadz M and Ustadz A," continued Hendra.

Regarding the absence, Hendra claimed to have coordinated with the investigative team. In fact, it has been rescheduled. However, it was not explained in detail about the timing of the examination.

"It has been scheduled, we'll see later. We'll see the schedule, we can't confirm yet," said Hendra.

Dua anak Panji Gumilang tecatat dua kali tidak memenuhi panggilan pemeriksaan. Pertama, mereka digawdlakan pada 25 Juli.

Then, the investigative team rescheduled it today, July 28. It's just that they didn't fulfill it.

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