The police revealed allegations of irregularities in the use of 3 kilograms of LPG (kg) in Mukomuko by naming 2 suspects.
From the disclosure, 265 3 kg LPG gas cylinders and one unit of black Suzuki Mega Carry car with police number BD 9048 ND were secured by the police. "The deviation from the use of subsidized LPG gas took place at the Suka Maju Village base, Penariko District," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Pajri Amelia Putra in Mukomuko, Bengkulu, Friday, July 28, confiscated by Antara. He said the LPG gas base diverted sales from the Suka Maju Village area, Penarik District to other areas in Mukomuko City District, XIV Koto District, and Lubuk Pinang Ia District explained that the owner of a subsidized LPG gas base in Suka Maju Village sold the gas to retail traders in a number of retailers in Mukomuko which became a fixed subscription by the base. In fact, according to applicable regulations, he said, the base in Suka Maju Village should be a base in Suka Maju Village, the Pull District selling the subsidized LPG gas in the area around the base. However, he continued, the owner of the base is looking for profit by diverting sales from base areas in Suka Maju Village to other regions.
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