JAKARTA - At the age of 3 years and over, your little one will have an important milestone in its development. In this growth phase, there are various new things that will be experienced by children, one of which is when children first set foot in an Early Childhood Education (PAUD) or Kindergarten (TK) school.
But for parents, the first day children go to school is a valuable moment that can cause anxiety or worry about the experiences that children will experience at school.
A survey shows that 63 percent of Mothers experience anxiety and stress on the first day of school. Because, seeing children enter the new environment and growth phase often makes parents wonder if your little one is ready to adapt to a new environment, can they take lessons well and excel at school, can your little one do everything on their own, get enough of their nutritional needs to support their activities and so on. It is very normal for parents to experience a difficult and stressful transition period when early childhoods start entering school. However, parents must remember that they cannot control the new experiences that their children will experience at school. So that what can be done is only how to respond to this and focus on preparing all the needs needed, including to continue to ensure that their nutrition is met so that children have a strong foundation to be able to learn things optimally and ready to excel in school.
Because indeed, good nutrition is a key factor in the physical readiness, health and development of the child's brain in helping them receive good lessons at school.
Clinical Nutritionists and President of the Indonesian Nutrition Association (INA), Dr. dr. Luciana B. Sutanto, MS, SpGK(K) said children aged 3 years and over have relatively high nutritional needs because they are still experiencing rapid and very active growth and development, ranging from their language, cognitive, motor, to social and emotional abilities.
For that, nutrition still plays an important role in supporting children's growth and development, especially in optimizing their cognitive development. Because, 90% of brain development occurs at the age of 5, where no other period in their life has a greater impact. Therefore, the quality of nutrition given at these times is very important, because the brain requires some appropriate and balanced nutrition, such as Omega 3 (DHA), Omega 6, and Iron Subsidiaries, has an important role in supporting children's cognitive development to prepare achievements, "he explained, in a written statement, Monday 17 July. Children's portraitation at school is inseparable from the support and role of parents at home. Every parent of course strives to make the Little One grow up to become an outstanding child at school. Clinical and Family Psychologist, Anna Surti Ariani, S.Psi., M.si., Psi. also suggested some tips that Mother can do to help the readiness of the Little one on the first day he enters school: 1. Ensure his daily nutritional intake and prepare a nutritious provision
In order for children's nutrition to be fulfilled to support their activities at school, Mother can make breakfast with nutritious food intake for children. If necessary, also complete the daily nutritional needs with growth milk before going to school. This is because the intake of preschoolers who do not include milk often cannot meet their daily nutritional needs. 1 In addition, Mother can also provide nutritious children's favorite foods, so that children become more enthusiastic in undergoing their first day.
2. Start preparing for the first day of school 1-2 weeks earlier
Since 1-2 weeks before starting school, start doing a similar routine to what will be carried out in school days. For example, starting to get used to getting up at 6 o'clock, then taking a shower and changing clothes, breakfast, then continuing to do activities such as playing in schools. So children have mental preparation to start going to school.
3. Visit the school:
Another mental preparation is occasionally visiting potential schools. Show the class, playground, toys, etc. If possible, introduce the child to the prospective teacher. Tell positive things about school, to reduce children's anxiety.
4. Teach children how to interact and get new friends:
So that children don't feel embarrassed or awkward when they meet other people or new friends at school, try to teach your little one how to get acquainted with a potential friend. For example, training a child to name himself while asking the name of his interlocutor, as well as handing a friend to his future friend first. It could also remind him to smile with a view that leads to people who are invited to get acquainted.
5. Invite to communicate about the first experience of schooling:
Build good communication with children. For example, by inviting children to sit down and eat together when they come home from school. Try to chat and discuss about his first experience at school. When chatting, don't focus on bad things that happen like crying when separated from parents, but focus more on the good things that have happened, such as children are already wearing uniforms and want to come to school.
The conversation can be closed safely because the child has tried to enter school, and encourages him to continue to do so.Marketing Manager of SGM Explore 3Plus, Shiera Syabila Maulidya said, her party understands that not a few parents are facing concerns in preparing their children who are new to school. Because every parent will certainly provide the best for the progress of their child, including in terms of fulfilling nutrition.
Therefore, SGM Explores continues to be committed to supporting the progress of Indonesian children by presenting and developing product innovations for various stages of child age. Such as SGM Explor 3Plus which is specially formulated to support your little one ready to learn, the only one with IronCTM content - a unique combination of Iron & Vitamin C, which is useful for supporting absorption to a maximum of up to two times, and equipped with DHA, tuna oil, Omega 3&6 to support the cognitive development of your little one and grow optimally.
This innovation is expected to help support the fulfillment of complete nutrition for children aged 3 years and over, so that they are ready to study well at school. In addition, SGM Explor 3Plus also offers delicious nutrients in various variants to meet the tastes of each child, namely Honey, Vanila and Chocolate, "he explained. With the fulfillment of appropriate and balanced nutrition as well as support from parents, children will be able to get optimal support in their cognitive development. Good preparation in terms of nutrition will provide a solid foundation for children to enter the world of education with optimal beliefs and capabilities.
"We want to continue to support mothers in Indonesia to continue to provide fulfillment of their children's nutrition. That way, it is hoped that we can ensure that Indonesian children are ready to face the challenges of learning at school and continue to excel to become children of the advanced generation," Shiera concluded.
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