BATU CITY - Batu City Government removed administrative sanctions for delays in payment of Rural and Urban Land and Building Taxes (PBB-P2) for the tax period until 2023.
Acting (Pj) Mayor of Batu Aries Agung Paewai said the abolition of the administrative sanctions was an effort to build public awareness in the area.
"We need to encourage public participation with our own awareness to pay the PBB-P2. With the abolition of this administrative sanction, it is hoped that it will increase public participation in paying off the PBB payments," Aries said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 5.
Aries explained that the abolition of administrative sanctions for the delay in payment of PBB-P2 will be carried out in two stages, namely on 4-31 July 2023 and the second stage, carried out in the series of 22nd Anniversary of Batu City from October 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023.
The decision, he continued, had been stated in Batu Mayor Regulation Number 18 of 2023 concerning the Elimination of Administrative Sanctions on The Suspension of Land Tax Payments and Rural and Urban Buildings for the Tax Period Until 2023.
He added that PBB-P2 payments can be made directly to Bank Jatim or through mobile banking, sms banking, using the Gopay application and also Tokopedia. Taxpayers can also check the amount of payments on the website.
"Meanwhile, to see the maturity time can be seen in the Tax Object Information System (SISMIOP)," he added.
Based on information from the Batu City Regional Revenue Agency, the number of realizations of the PBB-P2 until June 2023 reached IDR 10.755 billion from the target set in 2023 which amounted to IDR 17 billion. Meanwhile, the total PBB P2 receivables in Batu City amounted to IDR 55.291 billion.
Aries hopes that the abolition of administrative sanctions for late payments for PBB-P2 will increase the realization of revenues from the UN-P2 sector and optimize the settlement of UN-P2 receivables.
The PBB-P2 objects, namely the earth and or buildings owned, controlled, and or utilized by personal or body people, except for areas used for plantation, forestry and mining business activities.
The subject of PBB-P2 is a person who is private or an agency that actually has a right to the earth, benefits the earth, has buildings, controls buildings, and benefits the building.
"PB-P2 payments are the obligation of people who own land or buildings. PBB-P2 payments will be returned to the community in the form of regional development and services that can be felt," he said.
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