Central Jakarta Metro Police together with the DVI Team, Police Inafis to the Police Hospital Forensic Team again conducted a crime scene process while taking the suspects to the abortion practice located on Jalan Merah Delima, Sumur Batu Village, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta, Monday, July 3, afternoon.

The crime scene processing activity was carried out behind closed doors from media crews and local residents. In fact, the police closed the road access on the left and right front of the house where the abortion was carried out using blue banners and tarpaulins.

From VOI's observation at the location, PPSU officers were also assigned to dismantle the septic tank where the fetus was dumped from the abortion practice. A total of 3 PPSU officers used a number of tools to dismantle septic tanks.

The demolition of the septic tank was under tight guard from members of the Central Jakarta Metro Police Provos. Officers are still looking for ways to transport the fetus and the baby skeleton that is suspected of being deposited in a septic tank.

A suction was about to be carried out using a rubber suction car, but the plan was canceled by the Forensic Doctor Team of the National Police Hospital who was at the scene because it would be difficult during the autopsy process. The reason is, the fetus, if a suction is carried out, will mix with the remaining dirt in the car's tank.

The process of dismantling the septic tank had caused a stir among local residents. The reason is, local residents do not know about the police's follow-up activities.

"I'm really surprised. I've been here since 77, it's still quiet, it's still a swamp. That's why yesterday wow how it happened. How did that happen," said Lumintang (73), a resident around the location to reporters, Monday, June 3.

Lumintung explained that he began to suspect when many people entered the abortion site by car.

"When I peeked, then immediately went in and immediately closed. A day 3 to 4 times (the patient came), every day it was like that," he said.

The Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) has again conducted a follow-up crime scene (TKP) at the abortion practice site located on Jalan Merah Delima, Sumur Batu Village, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta on Monday, July 3, morning.

"The plan is at 10 pm (the follow-up crime scene process)," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when confirmed by VOI, Monday, July 3.

Meanwhile, regarding the TKP processing, what is planned to be carried out this Monday, according to the information gathered, the Police will demolish the fetal disposal shelter at the location where the abortion is practiced.

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