JAKARTA - A group of researchers found that one of the nutrients contained in this food, which is a source of protein, could slow down the aging process.

This is based on research and trials conducted by an international research team on mice and monkeys. The nutrition is said to be able to extend the healthy umut of middle-aged mice by up to 12 percent.

The nutrition is Taurin. This finding, published in the journal 'Science', became the basis for further research with human trials.

while research will continue with human trials.

The lead study of Vijay Yadav, assistant professor of genetics and development at the University of Columbia' Vagelos College of Physics and Surgeons, said: "Human society is aging. This is related to changes in the molecular composition within us," as reported by The National News on June 9.

"Over the past 25 years, scientists have been trying to find factors that not only make us live longer, but also increase the range of health, while we stay healthy at old age."

"This study shows that taurin can be a ingredients of life in us that help us live longer and healthier," said the owner of Dr. Yadav's nickname.

Taurin is an amino acid found in meat, fish, and eggs, playing an important role in supporting the health of the immune system, the function of the nervous system and energy production.

Several energy drinks added taurin to it, because of the hypothesis of its beneficial effect on mental and athletic performance.

Previous research has shown a taurine deficiency associated with aging. Still, Dr. MDav said it was unclear whether it was actively directing the aging process.

For this study, the researchers looked at blood samples and measured the concentration of taurine at various ages in mice, monkeys and humans.

They tested about 250 female and male mice who were approximately 14 months old, about 45 years in human terms, giving half of them a taurine supplement and the other half a control solution.

The team found that the consumption of taurin supplements increased the average lifespan by 12 percent in female mice and 10 percent in male mice.

This means three to four extra months for mice, equivalent to about seven or eight years of humans, the researchers said.

Furthermore, the team also found daily intake of 500 and 1000 milligrams of taurine supplements per kilogram of body weight was also associated with increased strength, coordination and cognitive function in mice.

"We didn't just find animals living longer, we also found that they were living healthier," said Dr. Dadav.

The team then tested the effect of the taurine supplement on middle-aged monkeys and found that those who drank it every day for six months also showed an increase in the immune system, bone density, and overall metabolic health.

Separately, the researchers then looked at data from research involving 12,000 European adults aged 60 years and over.

They found people with higher levels of taurin healthier, with fewer cases of type 2 diabetes, lower rates of obesity, and lower levels of inflammation.

"This is an association, which does not set a cause, but the results are consistent with the possibility of a taurine shortage contributing to human aging," he explained.

Finally, the researchers measured levels of taurine from male athletes and people who did not move much who took part in heavy cycling exercises, before and after the activity.

They said a "significant increase" in levels of taurine was seen in athletes, such as fast runners and endurance runners, as well as people who didn't move much.

"No matter the individual, all experienced an increase in levels of taurine after exercise, which indicates that some health benefits from exercise may come from increasing taurine," said Dr. Yadav.

Based on their findings, the researchers say anti-aging clinical trials in humans, which are already investigating drugs such as metformin and rapamycin, should also include taurin.

"Taurin's delegation decreases with age, so restoring taurin to a young level in old age may be a promising anti-aging strategy," concluded Dr. Yadav.

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