JAKARTA - Deputy Secretary General (Wasekjen) of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Ikhsan Abdullah asked the police to process a case of alleged blasphemy against religion by the caretaker of the Al-Zaytun Panji Gumilang Islamic Boarding School.

"If it is a crime, not just a deviant, he commits a criminal act of causing unrest, insulting religion, blasphemy, and others," said Ikhsan after a closed meeting with the Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Home Affairs, Attorney General's Office, Police Headquarters, and State Intelligence Agency in the 4th Floor Sembrodo Room of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 21.

Even so, Ikhsan hopes that the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School will not be closed, but a change of management will be carried out. This concerns the fate of many people at the boarding school.

"Yes, it will continue and the education will be fostered by the Ministry of Religion together with MUI," he said.

Previously, Deputy Minister of Religion Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi asked the leadership of Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School to be open and cooperative in communicating and dialogue with Islamic organizations in order to straighten out developing information.

"So that everything becomes clear and there are no deviant slanders or allegations," said Zainut in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 21, quoted by Antara.

The Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School received public attention in line with the statement made by its caregiver, Panji Gumilang, and a number of other issues. A number of parties considered Al Zaytun to be heretical and deviant, and urged that the pesantren be disbanded immediately.

Zainut said that the Ministry of Religion did not have the right to judge a pesantren teaching heretical or deviant teachings. This concerns the realm of religious law which is the authority of Islamic organizations such as MUI, NU, Muhammadiyah, and other Islamic organizations.

According to the Deputy Minister of Religion, Islamic organizations and the Al Tahun Islamic Boarding School must immediately sit down together to hold dialogue and tabayun related to allegations of understanding religious teachings that are considered deviant.

He appealed to all parties to prioritize the spirit of brotherhood, deliberation, and advise each other on the basis of truth and patience to find the most beneficial solution. The Ministry of Religion is also ready to facilitate meetings between leaders of mass organizations and Al Zaytun.

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