BANYUMAS - Banyumas Police Satreskrim is developing an investigation into the discovery of objects suspected of being human bones in Tanjung Village, Banyumas Regency, Central Java. "We are still developing and examining witnesses," said Head of the Banyumas Police Satreskrim Kompol Agus Supriadi Siswanto in Purwokerto, Banyumas, Antara, Friday, June 16. According to him, his party received information that a woman was pregnant and had given birth, but the baby was unknown. Based on this information, investigators are trying to find the identity and whereabouts of the woman. "So the provisional suspicion is that the suspected human bone found by the residents is a baby skeleton. However, for certainty, we are still waiting for the results of the forensic examination conducted at the Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital, Purwokerto," he said. The objects suspected of being human bones were found by two workers, Slamet (50) and Purwanto (44) on Thursday while leveling the former pond land that Prasetyo Utomo (42) had just purchased, a resident of Tanjung Village, RT 01 RW 02, Purwokerto Selatan District, Banyumas, about three months ago. When a worker, Purwanto admitted that at that time he was beside Slamet who was hoeing the mound. According to him, Slamet was surprised by the presence of cloth wrapped in the ground. "Pak Slamet asked me 'what is this', I also ordered him to pull the cloth which turned out to be three pieces of clothes. When it was pulled it turned out that there was a bone like a skull that had been destroyed," he explained. The findings were then reported by the land owner, Prasetyo Utomo to the Head of RT 01 RW 04 Saryono and forwarded to the local Bhabinkamtibmas officer. "In essence, if it is indeed human bone, I hope it can be moved and buried properly. If there are other problems, I will leave it entirely to the police who will carry out the investigation," said Prasetyo Utomo.
The South Purwokerto Police together with the Inafis Team of the Banyumas Police and the South Purwokerto Health Center who came to the location on Thursday afternoon immediately conducted a crime scene (TKP) and collected the objects suspected of being human bones to be taken to the Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto Hospital.

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