JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the National Defense Agency (BPN) of West Papua Province cooperates with law enforcement officials (APH) such as prosecutors, the police, and courts to prevent land disputes in the province.
Head of the West Papua BPN Regional Office John Wiclif Aufa in Manokwari said that collaboration synergies are very necessary in anticipating the emergence of land conflicts in the future.
Apart from APH, BPN is committed to increasing understanding to indigenous peoples related to land administration requirements that become legality.
"So that new conflicts do not arise, we do prevention together. We discuss with APH," said Jhon Wiclif, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, June 10.
In increasing synergy, he said, BPN held socialization to prevent land disputes for 2 days (9 10 June 2023) at a hotel in Manokwari Regency.
The activity presented sources from the police, prosecutors, and courts to optimize the strategy for anticipating land problems that occurred in West Papua and Southwest Papua.
"This includes land acquisition, sometimes having problems, even though there is a clear legal umbrella. This is our job to provide understanding to the public," said Jhon Wiclif.
Jhon Wiclif admitted that the land disputes that occurred in Papua and West Papua were government-owned assets claimed by indigenous peoples because they did not have a customary release letter.
According to him, sometimes indigenous peoples apply for double compensation even though the government has made payments for the land.
This condition, continued Jhon Wiclif, can be minimized through routine education for all indigenous peoples related to land law regulations.
"Therefore, the land administration must be clear. If our data is not good, yes, it must be difficult to prevent land disputes," he said.
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