JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno asked all parties to be patient about their certainty about their closeness to PPP or PKS.
This was conveyed by Sandiaga when answering the question of whether he would choose to join PPP or PKS.
"Friends, just be patient," said Sandi in Jakarta, Monday, May 29.
The former Gerindra Party politician added that regarding the opportunity for him to join PPP, he will now enter the next stages. Sandi revealed that he had held talks with the Deputy Chairperson of PPP.
"There has been talks with the Deputy Chairperson of the PPP, but there are still several stages that must be passed, maybe in the next one to two months it will be announced, but of course he opens communication in the mind so that this acceleration of development can be created. That is the main foundation," he said.
On the other hand, Sandiaga is rumored to be meeting with the PKS DPP ranks on Tuesday, May 30. When asked about the news, Sandi mentioned his meeting with PKS to equalize perceptions.
"How can you know. This is still under investigation and of course I would like to underline again that we only have about 15 years in our demographic bonus so that if we change the direction of our development, it will greatly impact Indonesia's advanced target achievement in 2040," he said.
He hopes to reach an agreement with PKS regarding how to build Indonesia in the future. He emphasized that meeting with PKS is an effort to achieve common ideas.
"So it has absolutely nothing to do with decision making regarding future steps but equating perceptions," he concluded.
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