The attack on a joint East Jakarta Metro Police officer by a group of youths in the North Cipinang Besar area, Jatinegara District, occurred when police officers carried out security at the location.
"The police intervened and enforced the law in the midst of the warring residents. Then because they were caught, we finally saved ourselves. So instead of being attacked by an apple, we intervened and were caught in the middle between two groups of residents who were fighting," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Leonardus Simarmata when confirmed, Wednesday, May 24.
As is known, a fight between two groups of residents of RW 07 and 08, North Cipinang Besar Village, Jatinegara District took place on Saturday, May 20.
"So from RW 07 Mayong attacked RW 08, causing two injuries to the knife, and damage to four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles," he said.
The brawl occurred again on Sunday, May 21. Residents from RW 07 attacked RW 08, causing the fire of a two-wheeled vehicle.
"The position of the National Police is to intervene, carry out security and secure the situation, so that they can disperse back to their respective places and not fight again," he said.
Until today on Wednesday, May 24, joint personnel from the Brimob and Sabhara Polda Units are still conducting security at the location for 24 hours.
"I need to clarify, so it wasn't after the apple was attacked. It was in a fight between residents. The police intervened in the middle, so because it was pinched we finally saved ourselves. So, this is between the residents, not the police and the residents," he said.
Previously, it was reported that members of the police who were on guard at the RW 7 secretariat office, Cipinang Besar Utara, were attacked by youths on Saturday. A number of teenagers using firecrackers attacked the police on guard.
The incident was also caught on amateur video. In the amateur video footage, it appears that a number of police officers from the Jatinegara Police were attacked while on guard.
Officers who were attacked immediately tried to save themselves, because the number of teenagers who carried out the attack was dozens of people. Residents' brawls broke out again. A number of houses and shops were damaged, even 1 resident's motorbike was burned by the perpetrators of the brawl.
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