JAMBI - Merangin Regency Government (Pemkab), Jambi Province has budgeted Rp9 billion for repairs to the Simpang Seling - Muara Jernih road, which has been badly damaged so far.
The Regent of Merangin Mashuri said that this year the road repair received attention from the Regency Government because the road was built through regional funds.
"This year we will build a Simpang Seling - Muara Jernih road with a budget of around Rp. 9 billion," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 22.
However, the Regent understands that the funds are not able to complete the road which is 20 kilometers long.
Therefore, the Regency Government will repair road points that are badly damaged so that the funds budgeted are sufficient.
He emphasized that the construction of roads that are the 'confinement' for public transportation, Tabir Ulu and West Tabir sub-districts, which usually spend two hours, can become faster because of good road conditions.
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The Regent believes that the improvement in road infrastructure that residents pass through will improve the economy of the surrounding community.
He hopes that later all parties can maintain and maintain the repaired roads, because these roads are the driving force for the economy and people's income.
Previously, Mashuri emphasized that the Merangin Regency Government prioritized road infrastructure development in its leadership period.
Road infrastructure development is a top priority because with a smooth road, it will accelerate the achievement of development programs.
He assessed that increasing the infrastructure capacity of roads and bridges is very much needed by the community.
Although the available budget is not sufficient to improve road quality, the Merangin Regency Government still seeks smooth road access for public use.
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