JAKARTA - Aurel Hermansyah has entered the period of containing six months. Atta Halilintar's wife admitted that there was a difference when compared to when she was pregnant with the first.
"Because this pregnancy is more different, the difference is easier to get tired," said Aurel Hermansyah to the media crew in Cimanggis, Depok on Friday, July 28.
It was admitted that during her pregnancy this time, Aurel had a busy work schedule. He also plans to reduce his work and focus on his gestational condition until his second child is born.
"Indeed, my schedule is too busy. Now entering the six months is starting to reduce (work). The usual thing is to take a job every day, now I don't want to take it, I'm getting tired, the job is really at home," said Aurel Hermansyah.
Meanwhile, Atta Halilintar saw another difference between his wife in this second pregnancy. He saw that his wife's stomach was bigger even though it was only six months pregnant.
"If I look at my pregnancy now, I see that her stomach looks faster. Yesterday (Ameena) it was six months, it was still really smooth (averaged), now six months it's been like seven or eight months," said Atta.
Regarding the fever, said Atta Halilintar, Aurel had the chance to ride a bicycle in the middle of the night. This time, the husband considered it quite confusing.
"Yesterday, I had a ride on a bicycle at night, at 12 at night. Try to imagine, riding a bicycle at night. Even though it's around the complex, what are you doing, how will you catch the wind, how will you continue to ride a bicycle but you don't want to be fussy, how about it? " said Atta.
"I really like traveling, but I don't want to be tired, what about it," said Aurel.
Atta also hopes that his wife is currently doing more activities at home than having to leave. He wants the birth process of his second child to have no problems.
"Yes, it's normal for us, it's not how to protect things. But you don't have to be complicated, it's better to work at home, it's normal," concluded Atta Halilintar.
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