YOGYAKARTA Efficiently caring for the skin means carrying out it appropriately, is not wasteful, and saves energy and time. Based on tips from a dermatologist, you can treat your skin in the following efficient way.
There are so many skincare products that claim to achieve various goals, such as anti-aging and staying fresh. To care for the skin, basically there is no need to spend a lot of funds and time. It's just that you have to know the skin's needs according to skin conditions. Before using many products, first consider what your skin type is, whether oily, dry, normal, combinational, or sensitive. Once you know what is needed, find out what the appropriate product formula is. Next, select the right product formulated for your skin needs.
Every day before doing activities outdoors, always use sunscreen. Sunscreen is something that can be pursued and keep the skin looking youthful. By wearing sunscreen, you have also maintained the skin from being exposed to skin cancer. It is important to know, the more intense it is exposed to sunlight, the more potentially it is affected by skin cancer. So choose sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher which offers a broad spectrum. However, according to the recommendation of the American Academy of Dermatology Association, sunscreen can only be used by children after the age of 6 months and over.
Smoking can accelerate skin aging. For smokers, skin wounds will also heal longer. Research reported by the American Academy of Dermatology Association page, Wednesday, July 26, smoking can worsen some skin diseases, including supurawatous psoriasis and hydradentitis.
Skin examination can be done independently. For that, always identify if a speck is different from the others. Especially if it is followed by itching and bleeding, immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist so that it is immediately detected if you experience certain conditions.
rubbed your skin while cleansing your sweat or pinning acne, don't do it. Because brushing your skin can irritate. That is, hold back the desire to squeeze or brush. Better, check with the doctor and get a skincare recipe that can overcome your complaints.
In addition to routine needs, washing your face when you wake up and before bed, it is also important to wash your face after sweating activity. It aims to lift dirt and bacteria that stick to the skin. In addition to removing the remaining makeup after activities.
Skin care is also important in addition to the six tips to treat the skin above. Choose soft and light cleaning soap. How to clean the skin too, it also needs to be done gently. Tips, apply cleaning with a twisting movement using the tip of the finger. Then end it by completely cleansing. Plus, take steps to manage stress that helps the skin stay fresh and anti-aging. This is also important for people with sensitive skin, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea so they don't relapse.
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