JAKARTA - Feeling guilty of having an affair with Syahnaz Sadiqah, Rendy Kjaernett intends to remove Raffi Ahmad's sister's tattoo on her back. This was done in order to improve her household with Lady Nayyan.
Rendy Kjaernett admitted that his intention to remove the tattoo was his own initiative. He denied that it was his wife's request.
"Not (asked by Lady Nayyan), myself (who wants to remove the tattoo)," said Rendy Kjaernett at the Bekasi District Court (PN) on Tuesday, July 18.
The 35-year-old actor admitted that he had consulted someone to remove his tattoo. However, the process of removing all tattoos, he said, would take quite a long time.
"It's in the process (to remove the tattoo). I consulted with one of the artists yesterday. If you delete it, it will take a while, months, because there are several stages," said Rendy Kjaernett.
Because removing all the tattoos will take a long time, Rendy intends to hit Syahnaz's face on his back for a while. He saw the best way he could do in the near future.
"The solution for me is to be felt, which part is definitely on the face. Later I will tell my friends too. What is certain is that as soon as possible, before it is too late for me to prove to Lady that I am serious," he said.
In addition to removing tattoos, in yesterday's first divorce trial the day after tomorrow, Rendy Kjaernett also asked for a second mediation. He wants to try to communicate with his wife so that divorce does not need to occur.
"What I want to convey to Lady is to improve my marriage relationship with Lady, my family relationship. So, I also want to fight for my family to stay intact," concluded Lady Kjaernett.
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