JAKARTA - The Coffin Curse Film, which is based on Astrid D' Savitri's novel Sarcophagus Onrust, is scheduled to air on July 20. This film comes from a mystery story on Onrust Island as well as a historical story since the arrival of the VOC in this country.

This thiler drama for teenagers is about the characters Bram (Aliff Ali) and Susan (Yuriko Angeline) who are preparing a thesis on Jakarta's history.

However, they were dragged by a curse from the book they encountered on Onrust Island, bringing the island's dark spirit to light and entering Susan. The phenomenal death of Maria van de Velde and her lover Jan Koenraad were revealed.

The existence of Dr. Wabah, a mysterious doctor who should have existed in the second sequence of novels, at the suggestion of productive director Irham Acho Bachtiar, must be presented in a film to attract viewers.

This is the tension of the film, inviting the audience to think and conclude the common thread and the riddle of the film. It is hoped that this film will become entertainment as well as education that is easily understood by the public.

The film, made by director Irham Acho Bahtiar, presents young players such as Yoriko Angeline (Susan), Aliff Alli (Bram), Cristina Danilla (Maria Van de Velde), Eryck Amaral (Jan Koenraad) and senior players such as Donny Damara (Prof. Daniel), Dewi Rezer (Prof. Tariana), Mathias Muchus (Pak Ibrahim Grandpa Susan), Eksanti, Egy Fedly (Hasan), Ray Sahetapy (Dr. Victor). and Wina Marrino (Monda Susan).

"Initially Ms. Nana (the novel writer) invited me to help her present her novel Sarchopagus Onrust, which was published by Balai Pustaka, to be made a film in front of officials of Balai Pustaka and finally they were interested in producing it into a film," said Acho, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, June 27.

Furthermore, Acho explained that he put forward a character of a bird-covered doctor whose costumes are already very popular around the world.

After the production was agreed, Nana also became the screenwriter and one of the producers and Irham was appointed as the director.

"This process takes quite a long time because the Balai Pustaka also considered it long before finally being interested in making it a film other than Siti Nurbaya which was also in the preparation stage for production," said Acho.

Acho also revealed that his cast's line-up with an acting coach was carried out for approximately 3 weeks. He asked his acting coach to change their character, which is usually known in teen films/series, to become more mature and unlike the ABG characters they usually play before.

Several other characters such as Donny Damara and Ray Sahetapy also played several scenes in total including shooting one of the scenes for two days in the real sea, said Acho.

"I used oxygen cylinders all day in the sea and also directly monitored the scene. But if I tell you the details here, it will become a spoiler because the scene becomes a plot twist in this film," he said.

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