YOGYAKARTA - You need to know that sleep is an essential activity that is very much needed by human survival, and it is mandatory to do it. Do you know why every time we wake up our bodies feel fresh and fit? Yes, because when we sleep, our part of the brain called the cortex will recover. Let's learn some signs of a sleep deprived body!

If your need for sleep is met, it will improve your body and mind, and our bodies can do their best.

Easy to get sick

When a person sleeps, automatically the immune system of a person's body will produce cytokines, a protein that helps prevent the body from inflammatory. If you do not have a decent sleep duration, the production of these compounds will stall. Therefore, the lack of sleep situation can reduce the immune system of the body and you also become more easily sick.

This is also reinforced by the results of a research that found that a person who sleeps less than 7 hours per day has a 3 times greater risk of facing fever and the flu compared to those who sleep more than 8 hours per day.

Easy to forget

Not only is it useful to increase body energy, sleep also works in a way of learning. If you are sleep deprived, one of the characteristics that will emerge is shrinking brain expertise to remember.

Lack of sleep will directly affect cognitive functions, ranging from how to learn, assume, to dismantling problems. No wonder, if a person does not have sufficient sleep duration, he will be in trouble in studying.

Dull skin and acne

A decent duration of sleep will make the skin re-generary optimally on the body. No wonder, if one of the characteristics of lack of sleep is dry skin, acne, and looks dull.

Not only that, lack of sleep also causes the emergence of early aging features such as soft lines on the skin and skin so that they are not strong can also appear. Not without reason, the sign takes place because the creation of the hormone cortisol and estrogen, protein, and collagen that protects the health of the skin also decreases.

Experiencing depression

Mental stress and mental stress can be one of the characteristics if you are sleep deprived. The condition of the body with a little sleep duration can cause a person to more easily face mental stress and his emotions are also not resolved. An emotional instability often makes a person act without thinking further.

It is also necessary to understand that the situation of mental stress and difficulty sleeping have causal effects and consequences, which means mental stress is not only a result of lack of sleep but also a trigger for difficulty sleeping.

So after knowing the signs of a sleep deprived body, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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