JAKARTA - Rebecca Reijman is back with a new single titled Senandung Saja. This song is the 4th single released since October 2022.

The song, which was composed by the Dutch singer herself, was released last January, while the music video was released on March 24.

In the last few months, Becca, as Rebecca Reijman is widely known, has been so productive. She admitted that the pandemic that had hit the country really had an impact on the lack of creativity to make new songs.

Becca is happy to be releasing several singles after the pandemic. She admitted that she was motivated by her success in releasing the single Senandung Saja.

"Yes, I'm happy, motivated. But actually yesterday it was a bit down due to the pandemic. We prioritize family, children at home, their homeschooling, so we don't work," said Rebecca Reijman in an exclusive conversation with VOI some time ago.

"Yes, I was also stressed thinking about corona news, so I didn't create a song. (For concerts) there's an online one, we'll make a zoom concert, it's just different from live. So now we are excited again to work and perform," she continued.

Rebecca Reijman (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

For her single this time, Becca brings the love story of an urban couple who tries to find pleasure by enjoying the sunset on the beach.

He chose a jazz feel with a bossanova style for the arrangement of Senandung Saja. Meanwhile, for the ensemble concept chosen, Becca uses guitar, contrabass, drums, and trumpet.

Becca said that the song is not specifically about young people, but can also be nostalgic for old couples about their youth.

"Actually, I don't tell young people, it's just a love story actually, grandparents can also fall in love again," she said.

“But what do you do, those who are still teenagers, who were still cute at that time, their dating is still funny. Yes, I was inspired to make a song about that," she added.

Becca admitted that the process of releasing the song Senandung Saja was relatively fast. With the help of several musicians, from writing to releasing, everything went smoothly.

Rebecca Reijman (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

"Me and my friend, Mas Heri, a literature student who also helps with lyrics, so that's it. Finally, we entered the studio, we recorded instruments, contrabass, guitar, drums, and trumpet. It's finished, let's release it. A bit hurried actually,” said Becca.

Even though there were several people who asked her to release a pop song, Becca admitted that she was happy to choose a jazz nuance on her new single, especially since the song is included in the Jazz Anak Negeri playlist on Spotify.

“It's really nice to be able to create a piece of work, especially if it's well received. Yesterday it was included in the Jazz Anak Negeri playlist, we are very happy that our work is being supported and getting good feedback," said the singer who was born on February 21, 1985.

“But there are still people who say 'Becca please make songs that like the old days, are more pop'. Yes, for sure," she continued.

The choice of jazz and bossanova on the latest single is not without reason. The mother of three children admits that she wants to sing a lot of songs with various genres. Not just for now, since the beginning of her career, Becca has tried several genres.

“Becca is all genres, right, When first entered Indonesia with the song Tanpamu, which was a bit alternative, soft rock, right? After that, it's an upset song, a ballad. Then there is pop jazz, there are also reggae songs," she explained.

The wife of David Daniel Muchtar admits that she has never thought about a particular genre when making songs. She always tries to free her creativity when making songs.

For Becca, just being able to create is enough. She doesn't want to be a singer who brands herself with a certain genre, which is not impossible to limit her creativity as an artist.

"I want to mix all genres. So there's been a few of Becca's songs, if Senandung Saja is really jazz, maybe we can collaborate, with hip-hop will be even funnier. So, just explore a lot," said Becca.

“Confusing people is funny, I am happy,” she added with a laugh.

Big Plans for Fans

Rebecca Reijman (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Becca then talked about what she wants to do in the near future. She plans to release her 3rd album. Similar to what has been her stance throughout her career, Becca wants her new album to feature many different genres.

"Yes, I don't really have a goal to achieve, but I really want to make a 3rd album. Since the last album was 2011, it's been a really long time. So there is a goal for Becca as a singer. Hopefully this year we can finish the 3rd album," she hoped.

“Because Becca likes more and more genres, it's difficult. But the character is still the vocal character of Becca, only for the genre, again, it's different. And it's not easy to make threads," she added.

Talking about the process of making the album, Becca admitted that choosing a producer was the most difficult. Finding the right music producer, said Becca, must understand each other, starting from the character of the vocals, and music, to the right sound.

Throughout her career in the music industry, Becca named one producer who she considered very suitable for her. The music producer in question is Echa Soemantri's father, Willy Soemantri, who produced Rebecca Reijman's first album.

"To match the producer, it's only Soemantri actually, Becca's first album. And until now I haven't found anything that can make Becca think 'Oh okay, I will make good work for the 3rd album'. That is difficult and it takes time and process," she said.

Rebecca Reijman (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

As for the plan to make Becca's 3rd album as a gift for fans after more than 10 years she hasn't released an album anymore.

She said that her fans had motivated her to make an album. By making an album, Becca hopes to give her listeners a wide selection of songs.

“Even though we keep releasing singles, the album is a statement as a singer, 'oh we're thinking about you guys', 'choose, which do you like?', that's it. There are choices, and yes, appreciation for people who like to hear Rebecca's songs too," she said.

Apart from that, Becca also wants to leave a legacy for her fans. She wants to show her true self and her works for fans.

“(I want to give) songs that are pleasant to hear. Even though my songs are not mainstream and are love songs that are radio-friendly, sometimes I get bored as well as upset songs, but Becca has her own path and loves to process and create," said Becca.

As for the length of time needed to plan an album, said Becca, due to her condition that she is already married and has three children.

Rebecca Reijman (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

However, her activities in the last few years in caring for children, she admits that it has inspired her to create new works.

“I am now a mother of three children, all sons, so work is a constant chase. But how can that inspire me to create new works that are deeper. Yes, as Rebecca whose life experience, even though she took a 10-year vacuum or didn't release another album, can be an inspiration for making new songs on the 3rd album, and hopefully, I can get that nostalgic feeling," she said.

Becca will also feel nostalgic in releasing her works in the future. While keeping up with technological developments with her digital world, she wants to release her old songs to digital music platforms.

"Because later I want to release Tanpamu and Maafkan Aku Mencintai Kekasihmu, I want to release it again on a digital platform. Now it's not there, right, everyone is asking. So Becca wants to release two Becca's singles first, then the 3rd album. Hopefully, people can get a nostalgic feeling first and want to mix it up, there's a jazz feel to it, there's a Becca vibe in 2006 when I first started singing Indonesia," said Becca.

To add a nostalgic feeling to the 3rd album later, Rebecca also plans to release it in physical form.

“Sometimes I miss holding other people's work and reading the CDs, it's like a nostalgic feeling, I miss it too. Yes, maybe Becca's 3rd album can be released, if not LPs, then another CD, it's so cute,” concluded Rebecca Reijman.

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