JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir has raised his voice regarding the news of the change of the main director (Director) of Pertamina. Erick emphasized that he could not provide certainty.
"Not yet, this is all impatient," he told reporters, Wednesday, July 26.
Erick emphasized that Pertamina's summons, including Ahok some time ago, was actually no different from the summons of other SOE officials.
According to Erick, the summons of high-ranking state-owned companies is part of the acceleration of a number of state-owned SOE programs.
"I don't cover up anything, please be patient with the media, because this is a process. If you say oh, come on. It's not on my desk the appointment of the President Commissioner or the President Director of the points, it's not on my desk yet," he explained.
In addition, Erick said, Deputy Minister (Wamen) of BUMN I Kartika Wirjoatmodjo or Tiko and Deputy Minister of BUMN II Rosan Roeslani are currently adapting and mapping a number of SOEs according to their respective clusters.
Still said Erick, both need time because they have just occupied their posts. As is known, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo became Deputy Minister of BUMN I replacing Pahala Nugraha who became Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Meanwhile, Rosan replaced Tiko.
Therefore, he gave the two Deputy Ministers of SOEs time to carry out a comprehensive review. Including if there is a need to replace the directors and commissioners of SOEs.
"Later, after the review results come to me, if you want a good change from Mr. Tiko and Mr. Rosan. The review has not been completed," he said.
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