The annual event, the largest CSR award, namely the Top CSR Awards 2023, has been held today, Wednesday 7 June, at the Rafless Hotel Jakarta.
The event was attended by more than 600 people from various circles, including CEOs/leaders of companies from various sectors who won the award.
There are several great companies, whether it's an open company or not, getting the prestigious award. Among them are Kideco Jaya Agung, MMS Group Indonesia, Multi Harapan Utama, Bukit Asam, Indo Tambangraya Megah, PLN, Pupuk Kaltim, Astra Tol Nusantara (Astra Infra), Bank Mandiri, Chandra Asri Petrochemical, BSI Maslahat, Petrokimia Gresik, Migas Utama Jabar, Bank Danamon.
There are also Bank BRI, Antang Gunung Meratus, AICE Group, Danareksa, PT Datang DSSP Power Indonesia, Paiton Energy - Paiton Operation and Maintenance Indonesia, Semen Indonesia, Suprabri Mapannindo Mineral, Telen Orbit Prima, East Kalimantan Nitrate Indonesia.
Then, Pegadaian, State Gas Company, PLN Indonesia Power, Aqua, Solusi Bangun Indonesia, PLN Nusantara Power, as well as several state-owned companies, national private sector, and other multi-national companies.
The theme raised for 2023 is 'CSR Innovation Programs for Sustainable Business Growth'. This means that CSR does not only provide social benefits for the community and the environment, but CSR must be in line with business strategies, must support the achievement of business targets, so that the company's performance can continue to grow sustainably.
Chairman of the 2023 Top CSR Awards Organizers, M. Lutfi Handayani -who is also the Editor-in-Chief of Top Business magazine, said that this theme is important for companies implementing CSR in Indonesia.
"CSR must be in line with the company's business strategy and the company's sustainability," said Lutfi.
Lutfi said the TOP CSR Awards 2023 activity was attended by 900 companies in Indonesia (long list of winning candidates). A total of 188 companies registered, and 174 companies participated in the full assessment. This number increased 17.2% compared to 2022 ago.
"The TOP CSR Awards are not just assessment activities and awards, but contain many joint learning processes to improve the quality and effectiveness of the company's CSR," he said.
He gave an example of the learning process, namely the 'Add Nilai' session in the judging interview activities, which continues to be developed in award-ward activities organized by Top Business Magazine or MSI Group.
"In this 'Add Value Session', the Jury provides recommendations and improvement suggestions to the participants, to improve CSR quality," said Lutfi.
In this peak event, in his remarks, the Special Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ego Syahrial, said that CSR is an accountability that must be carried out through various community programs.
"So, there are economic and other impacts or support sustainable development," he said.
He said, CSR can also increase people's living standards, and others. CSR can also directly target the community, among others, to increase the electrification ratio of people in certain areas.
"As we all know, there are our brothers and sisters who have not received any electricity at all, right?" Etorial Syahrial.
In this case, the CSR program can create new energy plants, on a small scale, in areas that are difficult to reach PLN's electricity.
In the same place, the Director General of Environmental Pollution and Damage Control of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Sigit Raliantoro, in his speech said that currently the world exists during exponential damage, after a long time in the exponential growth phase triggered by the Industrial Revolution.
During this time, business must be beneficial for the community and improve the environment.
"In this scope, CSR is a [infrastructure] of community empowerment. And the community needs to be educated to learn to solve the problem in the long term," said Sigit.
The chairman of the 2023 Top CSR Awards Jury, Mas Achmad Daniri, explained a number of important things regarding the assessment and judging process at the Top CSR Awards. Among other things, the CSR initiative alignment factor (or CSR program support) for the company's sustainable business growth strategy, including how CSV is run by the company.
Then, the level of policy adoption and CSR programs for the provisions of ISO 26000:2010 Social Responsibility (either carried out by the CSR division or claims / confessions from other divisions outside CSR related to clauses / core subjects in ISO 26000 SR).
Then there are also CSR governance system factors (related to planning, implementation, monitoring, reporting, etc.). And then, related to the innovation of the flagship CSR program, which can be an example/can be recommended to other companies.
There is also an award for the Top Leader on CSR Commitment 2023 category. This is an award given to the company leadership who is considered to be highly committed to supporting the policies and implementation of CSR in his company.
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