JAKARTA - PT PP Presisi Tbk (PPRE), a leading construction company in Indonesia, is proud to announce its success in implementing various corporate Social Responsibility agendas (TJSL) which is part of the Company's 19th anniversary celebration.
This activity is part of the TJSL Program of the Social Pillars Company and is carried out in order to prosper the local social aspect and comply with applicable laws and regulations.
President Director of PT PP Presisi Tbk, I Gede Upeksa Negara, emphasized that this activity is not only a form of our commitment to implementing responsible corporate principles, but also our efforts to contribute positively and sustainably to the community.
"This is in line with the Regulation of the Minister of SOEs No. PER-1/MBU/03/2023 concerning Special Assignments and the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program of State-Owned Enterprises," he said in a written statement, Tuesday, May 30.
Various activities that have been carried out include distribution of basic necessities to local residents, compensation for orphans, and the implementation of blood donations.
Director of Finance, Risk & Legal Management, M. Arif Iswahyudi, stated that PT PP Presisi Tbk had distributed basic necessities for approximately 250 local residents. The food packages contain rice, oil, sugar, eggs, and other basic necessities.
"We also provide compensation for orphans as part of our commitment in the Social Pillars Company's TJSL Program. The compensation is in the form of cash and snacks for around 200 orphans and orphans," explained Arif.
PT PP Presisi Tbk is also working with the Indonesian Red Cross to organize blood donation activities. With the spirit to continue to contribute to the community, PT PP Presisi Tbk is committed to continuing various TJSL activities in the future.
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