5 Advice To Use Tea Tree Oil To Remove Bekas Acne
YOGYAKARTA Tea tree oil or tea tree oil is an essential oil that results from steaming tea tree leaves. The variety of tea trees is specific, namely the Australian Tea Tree which is known to smell strong and is also used as a therapeutic aroma as a traditional herbal medicine for various conditions. Such as ketombe, eczema, pimps, kudis, insect bites, nail mold, and fungal and bacterial infections in the skin. In addition, tea tree oil can remove acne and acne scars.
Research conducted two decades ago, according to the Cleveland Clinic, Wednesday, August 2, tea tree oil had the smallest impact compared to benzoil peroxide. Although both are equally effective in dealing with acne, in small research it was found that tea tree oil does not have a bad impact on the skin. Well, to benefit from acne, pay attention to the following recommendations.
The essential oils of tea trees that are 100 percent can cause problems in the skin if they are directly applied. It can cause the skin to moisturize, rash, and dry. So it needs to be diluted on a scale of every 2 drops of tea tree oil with 12 drops of carrier oil, such as coconut oil, jojoba, or argan. If you like it even more dilute like a toner, you can add a TOner. But if you prefer instantaneous ones, you can use skincare products formulated from tea tree oil to treat acne.
Basically, skincare matches vary widely. One person can match certain ingredients, but for other people who are sensitive can cause problems. For that, every time you use a new product with a certain formulation, you have to do a patch test. The goal is to find out the skin's response to the ingredients contained in the skincare.
Family doctor Simon Hodes, MB. ChB., recommends conducting a right-left pasty test. Because you are not sure whether the product will work optimally or trigger a bad response from the skin, then use it on one side of your face first. Only if it shows a good effect, you can apply it on the other side.
Tea tree oil aims to treat and prevent acne. For the purpose of treating it, you can apply a tea tree oil that has been diluted using cotton. Before wearing it, make sure the skin is clean and dry after being teased gently with a towel.
Then, apply the tea tree oil that has been diluted on acne using a cotton. If you use a product to prevent acne, you can apply it evenly, such as wearing a toner. But pay attention, use it carefully and avoid your eyes and lips. Once the oil seeps in your skin, close with the moisturizer to lock the skin moisture.
When using tea tree oil for acne, you should use it every day, once or twice a day. It's important to remember, it takes up to 12 weeks to improve on your skin. So you have to be patient and consistent. If after 12 weeks, you don't see any improvements to acne, maybe it's time to meet a dermatologist.
Before deciding to use tea tree oil to get rid of acne and acne stains, Doctor Hodes suggested three things. First, not all skincare is designed suitable for all skin types including tea tree oil. That is, you have to test irritation or sensitivity to this oil content.
Second, always wear sunscreen when using tea tree oil to get rid of acne. Because tea tree oil makes the skin sensitive to the sun, make sure to use good quality sunscreen.
Third, if you are already using skincare that contains active ingredients such as benzoil peroxide, salicylic acid, or retinol, don't add skin care using tea tree oil so as not to cause irritation. In addition to the three messages from the Hodes doctor, it is also important to know what you have purchased. Tea tree oil is shown to remove acne within a certain scope, but check more closely the quality of the product, concentration, and how effectively it handles your skin complaints.