August 2023 Dry Peak in NTB, BMKG Map East Lombok Entering Alert Level

NTB - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that August 2023 will be the peak of dry season in the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) region.

"Rainfall is decreasing, a sign of the onset of the peak period of the dry season in NTB," said the BMKG Predictor for the West Nusa Tenggara Climatology Station, Nindya Kirana, in a written statement, Tuesday, July 1.

He explained, in the period August 1-10 2023 it is estimated that the chance of rainfall will reach 20 millimeters/ basis with a probability of less than 10 percent evenly distributed throughout the NTB region.

"Likewise, the chance of rainfall with an intensity of 50-100 millimeters/day is evenly distributed throughout the NTB region with a chance of less than 10 percent," he said.

In addition, the BMKG also issued a meteorological drought early warning at the alert level for East Lombok Regency in Sambelia District.

As for the alert level, it is in Sumbawa Regency in Buer, North Moyo and Utan Districts.

Meanwhile, the alert level is in Dompu Regency in the Districts of Dompu, Huu, Kempo, Kilo, Manggalewa, Pajo, Woja. Bima Regency in the Districts of Belo, Bolo, Donggo, Lambitu, Lambu, Madapangga, Sanggar, Soromandi, Wawo. Bima City in Raba District, Mataram City in Mataram District.

In addition, in West Lombok Regency in the Districts of Batu Layar, Gerung, Kediri, Lembar, Lingsar, Narmada), Central Lombok Regency in the Districts of Janapria, Jonggat, Praya, West Praya, Central Praya, East Praya. Then East Lombok Regency in the Districts of Aikmel, Jerowaru, Keruak, Labuhan Haji, Montong Gading, Pringgabaya, Pringgasela, Sembalun, Suela, Sukamulia, Wanasaba.

"North Lombok Regency in Bayan, Gangga, Pemenang, Tanjung Districts. Sumbawa Regency in the Districts of Alas, Alas Barat, Empang, Lape, Lenangguar, Rhee, Unter Iwes and West Sumbawa Regency in the Districts of Brang Ene, Brang Rea, Jereweh, Maluk, Poto Tano, Seteluk, Taliwang," he said.

During this dry season, the people of NTB are urged to use water wisely, effectively and efficiently. The community also needs to be aware of forest and land fires that can occur during this dry season.

"People can use water reservoirs such as ponds, reservoirs or other rainwater reservoirs to anticipate the peak period of the dry season that is entering the NTB region, especially in areas that often experience drought," he said.