Central Java Police Investigate Money Laundering In Banyumas Illegal Gold Mining Case, Whose 8 Workers Are Trapped In Wells
The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Central Java Regional Police (Polda) suspects that there is a money laundering crime (TPPU) in the illegal gold mining case in Pancurendang Village, Banyumas Regency.
Director of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) of the Central Java Regional Police, Senior Commissioner (Kombes) Pol Dwi Subagio, said that based on the results of the examination carried out by the Banyumas Police, the mine manager admitted that he had applied for a public mining permit (IPR) but has not yet come down.
Therefore, he asked the local government for help in being able to organize and manage it again related to mining, especially in the area.
In this case, he said, local governments can coordinate with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to find out whether the area is suitable for mining or not feasible for these activities.
"That's the first. Then the second, this is one of the stages where Article 158 of the Minerba Law is currently being implemented," he said while attending a press conference at the Banyumas City Resort Police Headquarters (Polresta), Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Friday afternoon July 28, confiscated by Antara.
He added that his party would analyze and see the progress process and later it would be decided whether to implement the Money Laundering Law.
According to him, this is because the mining activity has been going on for a long time, so his party will see the process of developing the case along with its analysis.
"We hope that DR as the DPO (wanted list), please cooperate and cooperate and be responsible for what is being done, resulting in the victim who is currently 8 people who have not been found," he said.
In addition, Dwi appealed for mining activities at the location to be temporarily suspended, then the management immediately applied for a permit to the local government and the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources.
When asked about the possibility of the case leading to the TPPU, Direskrimsus said the investigation was being carried out by the Banyumas Police and his party would find out how the results of the examination were.
"And the most important thing here is the source, one, the DR, because the source is in him (DR)," he explained.
Therefore, he continued, his party wanted to get information from DR to find out where the mining goods were taken, including the flow of the activity.
He said, if his party was able to collect all the evidence, it would then be analyzed.
If all of that fulfills the elements of money laundering, he said, his party will also process it with money laundering.
During the press conference, the Head of the Banyumas Police, Kombes Pol. Edy Suranta Sitepu, said that his party had named 4 suspects in the illegal gold mining case that was revealed after 8 workers who had been trapped in the mine well since Tuesday, July 25 night, and until now evacuation efforts are still being carried out.
"We have named four suspects, one of whom is the owner of the land, namely brother SN (76). Meanwhile, the other three suspects are managers or financiers," he explained.
According to him, the other three suspects consisted of KS (43) and WI (43) as the manager of Sumur I and DR (40) as the manager of Sumur II.
However, he said, the suspect DR is still being searched because he fled.
"I appeal to suspects, including their families or anyone who knows about the whereabouts of DR's brother, to be able to inform us or the nearest police offices, to be able to surrender to account for their actions," he said.