Tomorrow, President Jokowi Is Scheduled To Inaugurate The Minister Of Communication And Information At The State Palace

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo is scheduled to launch a number of members of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, including the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) at the State Palace, Monday tomorrow."It's true, tomorrow morning there will be an inauguration by the President," said Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media Bey Machmudin in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, July 16.From a number of information gathered, President Jokowi will inaugurate Budi Arie Setiadi as Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) replacing Johnny G. Plate.Budi Arie Setiadi is currently Deputy Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Wamendes PDTT) and is also still active as General Chair of Pro Jokowi Volunteers (Projo)."But for what position and who will be inaugurated, we will see tomorrow together at the State Palace," added Bey.Apart from Budi Arie, a number of names mentioned will also be inaugurated are the Chancellor of Moestopo University Professor Paiman Raharjo as Deputy Minister of the PDTT, Deputy Minister of SOEs Pahala Mansury as Deputy Minister of SOEs, and Indonesian Ambassador to the United States Rosan Roeslani as Deputy Minister of SOEs.Budi Arie only said that he was waiting for President Jokowi's announcement."We are waiting for an announcement from the President because it is the prerogative of the president," said Budi Arie.Budi Arie is known to have served as Head of Balitbang PDI Perjuangan DKI Jakarta for 5 years in 2005.The man who was born on April 20, 1969, also served as Deputy Chair of the DKI Jakarta PDI-P DPD.Budi Arie also volunteered to support Jokowi or abbreviated as Projo during the general election campaign, both in 2014 and 2019.Projo was founded in 2013 and is touted as a community organization supporting Jokowi.Projo succeeded in providing information from volunteer organizations to community organizations that received official status from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Budi Arie said that Projo is a big house supporting Jokowi. According to him, Jokowi's administration in the Working Cabinet has made many changes. Therefore, his party chose to continue to support Jokowi, who continued to work tirelessly.