Apart From Consumption Of Healthy Foods, These Are The 6 Best Drinks For Long Life
YOGYAKARTA Long life and health, of course, need to be supported by a good lifestyle. In addition to eating healthy foods, considering the best healthy drink is also important. You may think that enjoying a cup of coffee in a comfortable atmosphere, it would be good to enjoy old age. In addition, check along with the best drink for a long life approved by the doctor.
Antioxidants can provide protection against chronic health conditions. One of these ingredients is found in green tea. Green tea can neutralize free radicals that can cause cell and DNA damage, thereby minimizing inflammation and chronic diseases.
Green tea and its compounds, including epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), have been studied for its protective effect on health conditions such as heart disease and cancer, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Eric Ascher, a family medicine doctor at Lenox Hill Hospital, says sipping green tea can support your longevity.
In addition to green tea, Patricia Kolesa, RDN., reported by Livestrong, Sunday, July 16, herbal teas such as chamomile tea, mint, black tea, and shoe flowers also contain antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause oxidative stress.
Drinking too much coffee can have unpleasant side effects, but there are many health benefits from coffee, especially for longevity. In particular, coffee contains a lot of polyphenols, antioxidants, and other compounds related to brain and heart health.
According to research in the European Society of Cardiology, drinking coffee has proven to prolong life and lower the risk of death from anything. However, doctor Ascher reminded, be careful with taste and excessive drinking of coffee. Limit the addition of sugar, cream, and flavor warranty if you drink coffee.
Prune is a plum fruit that is dried in the sun. If it is served in the form of juice, it will help nourish the intestines. Jus Prune, according to Amy Gorin, RDN, a plant-based dietist, can help support your longevity. He added, drinking once a day this fiber-rich drink helps maintain the health of the intestines and the frequency of bowel movements increases but remains healthy.
Although there are many delicious drinks, you shouldn't ignore these makeshift drinks, water. Doctor Ascher explained, water helps us make waste and body poison through urine, bowel movements, and sweat. Water also helps all organs function well. If necessary to make the taste more varied, you can add lemon juice or make it an infusion water with a mixture of fresh fruit and mint leaves.
Popular bone broth is a healing. Not without reason, over the years these bone boileds have been rich in health-supporting electrolytes, proteins, and other nutrients. The content, especially protein, can help maintain muscle mass and prevent injury.
In addition to the mentioned above, the bone broth also contains collagen, glutamin, gelatin, and glysin, all of which can support the health and healing of the intestines.
Beer contains high nitric oxides. The compound is related to high blood pressure reduction and increased circulation. Obviously, doctor Ascher, bit juice is a good source of antioxidants and is full of vitamins and minerals to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Those are the six best drinks for a long life. Are there certain drinks that you drink every day and keep you healthy?