The Mode Of Child Sodomy Perpetrators In Cianjur Iming-Iming Victims Of Free Cilok

CIANJUR - Polres Cianjur, West Java, stated that the seller of cilok Ujang (58), a resident of Cugenang Subdistrict, a sodomi perpetrator who is suspected of having repeatedly committed acts of deviating him against a boy in the Cugenang area, was threatened with 15 years in prison. Cianjur Police Chief, AKBP Aszhari Kurniawan, said that the perpetrator who was arrested on Saturday, yesterday after officers received a report from the victim's parents who received indecent treatment at a public cemetery. "The victim who was lured will be given a free fall and invited to the public cemetery area so that the perpetrator can vent his deviant lust. The victim who received the treatment had fought and managed to escape," said Aszhari, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 5. The victim reported this to his parents then reported it to the authorities. Officers managed to arrest the perpetrator at his home without a fight, in front of officers, the seller of the crust who moved locations admitted his actions. Cianjur police chief said that his party was still developing the case because it was suspected that the victim was a cilok seller, more than one person based on the victim's parents' report to the Cugenang Police. "We are still waiting for reports from other families of victims who have entered the Cugenang Police, even though the perpetrator's confession has only committed sexual acts. deviated," he said.

The perpetrator will be charged under Article 82 of Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection with the threat of imprisonment of 15 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 5 billion. "We ask parents to be more vigilant and always supervise their children, especially when playing in the home environment because of the perpetrators of crimes against children, the average person is close and known to the victim," he said.