Footage Related To The Case Of The Secretary Of The Supreme Court Investigating The Public Complaints Section Of The KPK

The flash drive reporter contains footage related to bribery in case management that ensnared Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Hasbi Hasan, Linda Susanti alias Oca, following the summons of the KPK Public Complaints (Dumas).

"Alhamdulillah, (the report, ed) was responded well," Oca told reporters at the KPK's Red and White building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, May 30.

Oca admitted that he had been asked several things related to his report. The conversation he recorded was also played by officers.

Furthermore, the KPK Dumas section called Oca will contact him again regarding the report. Moreover, he has conveyed everything he knows.

"God willing, there will be developments later on the phone," he said.

"I have given the address to the office. Hopefully. The point is that I am not here to fight the KPK but to help reveal the truth," continued Oca.

Previously, Linda had come to the KPK to bring a flash drive containing a recording she claimed was related to the bribery case handling the case at the Supreme Court on Monday, May 15. He hopes that the KPK will study the data.

Linda has also tried to give the recorded flashdisk to Hasbi. This effort occurred on Wednesday, May 24 when Hasbi was summoned as a suspect in the bribery case in case management.

As for the alleged bribery in case management, Hasbi's involvement was detected by the KPK after his name was mentioned in the indictments of Theodorus Yosep Parera and Eko Suparno who are lawyers. He is said to have played with former Commissioner of PT Wika Beton Dadan Tri Yudianto as an intermediary.