West Jakarta Metro Police Patrol Team Thwarts Brawl, Six Teens Arrested

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police Precision Pioneer Patrol Team arrested six teenagers who allegedly wanted to fight on Jalan Kemanggisan Raya, Palmerah, on Saturday 27 May at around 05.30 WIB. In the patrol, in addition to arresting six teenagers, the police also confiscated three sharp weapons of the type of sickle and one golf club. Head of West Jakarta Metro Police Samapta AKBP Hari Agung Julianto said that his party succeeded in thwarting the brawl of a group of teenagers stemming from information through the Instagram account @perintis_pressi_res_jakbar. "Then we immediately rushed to the location and managed to secure as many as six teenagers along with various sharp weapons," he said. Hari explained, now the teenagers along with sharp weapons evidence have been handed over to the Palmerah Police. "Six teenagers along with three sickles and one golf club we handed over to the Palmerah Police for further investigation," he said.

Hari menjelaskan, pihaknya setiap hari selalu mengintensifkan patroli kewilayahan."Kami akan mengintensifkan patroli kewilayahan, terutama setiap akhir pekan maupun pada jam rawan terjadinya aksi kriminalitas (dini hari) untuk menjaga wilayah Jakarta Barat tetap aman dan kondusif," katanya.Ia juga mengimbau masyarakat untuk segera melaporkan ke pihak Kepolisian jika menjumpai tindakan kriminal."Kami juga mengimbau kepada masyarakat yang menjumpai atau mengalami aksi kriminalitas agar melaporkan kepada kami melalui call center maupun melalui akun instagram kami, yakni @perintis_presisi_res_jakbar tutupnya," katanya.