Create A Natural Wewangian In The House By Planting 8 Ornamental Plants

JAKARTA - Caring for ornamental plants is loved by many people because it is able to add to the beauty of the dwelling. In addition to the touch of aesthetic value, some ornamental plants also offer a calming aroma that comes from the leaves or flowers.

If you are looking for ornamental plants to fill the house with a pleasant aroma. Starting from sweet to mint flavors, here is a list of scented plants adapted from Better Homes and Gardens, Friday, May 26.

When in full bloom phase, trumpet flowers offer a spectacular appearance. Not only that, at night this flower will spread a soft fragrance. This tropical plant is grown in the yard. When it blooms, its stem can be cut and placed in the house. Because trumpet flowers are very toxic, it is best to keep it out of the reach of pets and small children.

White flowers that bloom throughout this year produce a soft fragrance. In addition, the flowers are used to make jasmine teas and flower necklaces in Hawaii. You can let these propagating plant stems grow long and assemble them over the tracks or grow in curved mounds.

The variety of citrus trees such as lemons, mandin oranges, pomelos, and Balinese are ornamental plants that offer fragrances from flowers during the illuminated light enough. If you are patient, you can even enjoy the fruits. If you grow oranges from seeds, plants take years to flower and will most likely have sharp spines. For that, buy orange plants and then graft them.

Offering a different spicy aroma, Cuban oregano is an easy-to-grow Swedish ivy relative. You can use the leaves to add to the aroma in the dish. You can multiply the plant by taking the plug from the roots.

Some people may not consider eucalyptus as an ornamental plant. Even though this plant offers unique gray blue leaves with a therapeutic aroma as soon as the leaves are rubbed. In order to grow thick, you need to trim the leaves regularly.

Famous as one of the most fragrant flowers in the vicinity, gardenia or glassy glass is a beautiful ornamental plant. Single or double white flowers emit a strong floral aroma. In the spring and summer, use formulated fertilizers for plants that like acid. Also, make sure to protect this plant from hot and cold winds.

A tropical tree famous for its beautiful flowers and stunning fragrances, plumerian flowers are often used to make Hawaiian leies. The strong smell of flowers is similar to a sweetster tree. In addition to white, the bloom has various patterns, including red and pink, yellow and orange, and a mixture of all colors.

Although most begonia flowers are not scented, some varieties such as tea rose' and terorata begonia varieties such as 'Angelique' emit an attractive aroma. Your sirami and begonia fertilizer regularly in spring and summer to ensure the flowers remain fertile.