Knowing What Prememnstruation Syndrome Is, Symptoms, And How To Overcome It So It Doesn't Disrupt Activities

YOGYAKARTA - Menstruation or menstruation is a biological cycle experienced by women every month. Approaching menstruation period, usually women will experience certain symptoms that are often called PMS or pre-menstruation syndrome. What is pre-menstruation syndrome?

Symptoms experienced by women ahead of menstruation are usually in the form of emotional, behavioral, and physical changes. Symptoms of PMS or pre-menstruation syndrome generally occur in 1-2 weeks before entering the first day of menstruation. So what is pre-menstruation syndrome, what are the symptoms like, and how to deal with them?

Prememnstruation syndrome is a condition when women experience certain symptoms when entering their menstrual period. PMS symptoms are a common condition experienced by women at a productive age.

Every woman can experience different PMS symptoms, ranging from changes in behavior, emotions, and physical. Symptoms of PMS experienced can feel mild to severe symptoms. This pre-menstruation syndrome will of course interfere with women's daily activities during the PMS period.

The following are PMS symptoms that are usually felt by women in about 1-2 weeks before menstruation.

Although symptoms of pre-menstruation syndrome are often unavoidable, women can do some treatment to reduce the risk of PMS. Here are a number of ways or tips that women can do to deal with PMS symptoms.

That's a review of what pre-menstruation syndrome, symptoms, and how to deal with it. Symptoms that appear when PMS is indeed enough to torture women and can interfere with daily activities. By applying a number of tips above, you can reduce the symptoms you feel during PMS.

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