Life Of Menggelandang, German Caucasian Woman Deported From Bali

DENPASAR - Denpasar Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) deported a German woman with the initials DJ (53) for overstay79 days and disrupted public order by living on land owned by residents.

Head of the Bali Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kakanwil Kemenkumham) Anggiat Napitupulu said DJ had violated Article 78 paragraph (3) of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration and also Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2016 concerning Public Order and Public Peace.

DJ was deported through Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport on May 9, 2023 at 19.10 WITA with the final destination of Frankfurt International Airport, Germany escorted by three Denpasar Rudenim officers.

In returning DJ to his country, he was accompanied by a doctor and a consular assistant due to health problems experienced by DJ.

DJs who have been deported will be added to the deterrence list to the Directorate General of Immigration.

"After we report deportation, a further deterrence decision will be decided by the Directorate General of Immigration by looking at and considering all of his cases," said Anggiat.

Legally, he said, DJ in the first place violated the provisions of Article 78 paragraph (3) of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration which stated that foreigners who hold residence permits whose validity period has ended and are still in Indonesian territory more than 60 days from the time limit for residence permits are subject to immigration administrative actions in the form of deportation and deterrence.

DJ first arrived at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Badung Regency, Bali, on March 18, 2022. The woman from Bavaria came to Bali for a vacation using a visit visa on arrival or visa on arrival (VoA) valid until April 16, 2022.

Furthermore, on July 4, 2022, DJ was secured by the Civil Service Police Unit of Badung Regency because of reports from the public claiming to be worried about the whereabouts of the person concerned after reportedly living in a street and living in an empty house in the Petitenget area, North Kuta, Badung, Bali.

Based on the report, DJ became the subject of abandoned people so that it had violated Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2016 concerning Public Order and Public Peace.

DJ was then taken by the Badung Regency Satpol PP to the TPI Ngurah Rai Special Class I Immigration Office for further action in accordance with immigration provisions.

From DJ's confession, while living in Bali, he lived by relying on the savings he had. He could not withdraw money from his account since April 14, 2022, which resulted in running out of money, overstaying, and recovering.

Due to these obstacles, at that time he had not yet conveyed his problems to the embassy and his family because his cell phone was also confiscated by the hotel in the Petitenget area, Badung as collateral for not being able to pay the lodging fee.

For this negligence, he overstayed 79 days.

"Although the person concerned argues that this is due to negligence, immigration can still carry out immigration administrative actions that are in line with the humangnorantia legislative neminem excusat (unification of the law does not justify anyone)," said Anggiat.

Because deportation could not be carried out at that time, the Immigration Office Class I Special for TPI Ngurah Rai handed over the DJ to the Denpasar Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) on the same day for detention and further deportation.

Meanwhile, Denpasar Babay Babanullah, Head of Immigration Detention Center, said that DJ was deported after DJ was detained for 10 months and 6 days.

The deportation was also made after the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany was willing to assist in providing tickets for DJ's return.