Member Of The Non-partai Expert Council, Deputy NasDem Calls Connie Rahakundini Smooth
Deputy Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Ahmad Ali, criticized national defense, military and international relations analyst Connie Rahakundini Bakrie who claimed to be a member of the NasDem expert council through non-party channels.
According to Ali, actually the NasDem Party has never appointed someone as an expert council if the person concerned is not a party member. Therefore, Ali said, the resignation letter signed by Connie was a hallucinations.
"Where is there a council of experts from non-party? Nothing! He had hallucinations," said Ali when contacted, Monday, March 3. "If organization opens the articles of association, how is it possible for members of the honor but he is not occupying the structural," he continued. Ali also emphasized that Connie Rahakundini was not a member of the NasDem Party registered in the party structure. Even though according to Connie's confession, she became part of the party chaired by Surya Paloh because she was appointed by the Chairman of the Expert Council, Siti Nurbaya
"Try asking Connie whether she is a NasDem party or not? If she is a non-party, how will she become a member of the honorary council? She is not a member of the NasDem!," said Ahmad Ali. Previously, military observer Connie Rahakundini Bakrie confirmed the circulation of her resignation letter as a member of the NasDem Party Expert Council. The resignation letter addressed to the General Chairperson of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh is his original.
"Confirmed (resigning). That's my original letter," Connie said when confirmed, Monday, April 3. Connie also admitted that so far she had never been a NasDem cadre. He was lined up to be a member of the expert council through non-party channels. He reasoned that he did not participate in the cadre and was appointed by Siti Nurbaya to be a member of the expert council.
"I'm not a member of the party, that's why I'm a non-member. I'm not a legislative candidate, I'm not a member of the NasDem Party," said Connie.
Regarding the reason for leaving the position, Connie assessed that Surya Paloh's words were not ideologically appropriate. Therefore, he chose to resign from the political party that campaigned for the change movement.
"The NasDem Party is not a company but an instrument of movement, does not think of seeking trade difference, has no transactional spirit and will maintain a professionally managed ideological attitude," Connie said.
"In the end, it shows an ideological discrepancy in an environment oriented to 'flying high-playing cheat' which continues to be felt," he added.