JAKARTA - Social media company X, formerly known as Twitter, will remove a protection feature that allows users to block other accounts. This was blocked by its owner, Elon Musk, on Friday 18 August in another controversial move for the company he bought last year.

The blocking function on X allows users to limit certain accounts from being able to contact them, view their posts, or follow them. "Blokir will be removed as a 'feature', except for DM (direct message)," Musk said in a post on the platform.

Block is going to be delayed as a feature, except for DMs

He said that X will maintain its stationary function, which filters users from looking at certain accounts, but unlike blocking, not informing other accounts of the action.

The billionaire owner has described himself as an absoluteist of free speech, but some critics say his approach is irresponsible. Researchers have found increased hate speech and anti-Semitic content on the platform since he took over, and some governments have accused the company of not doing enough to moderate its content.

Our users’ safety on X is our number one priority. And we’re building something better than the current state of block and mute. Please keep the feedback coming. https://t.co/ekIvyOhRqQ

Removing or limiting the block feature may bring X into conflict with guidelines implemented by Alphabet's Apple App Store and Google Play.

Apple says apps with content generated by users should have the ability to block users who abuse. The Google Play Store says the app should provide an in-app system to block content generated by users and users.

X, Google, and Apple did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Responding to posts from anti-bullying activist Monica Lewinsky urging X to keep "an important tool to keep people safe online," CEO Linda Yaccarino defended Musk's move.

"The safety of our users on X is our number one priority. And we are building something better than the current state of being blocked and silent. Please continue to provide input," Yaccarino wrote.

The company has said Musk will lead the product and engineering team, while Yaccarino will lead all other teams, including the legal team and sales.

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