JAKARTA - The surprising news came from the comedian Tukul Arwana. He was rushed to the hospital on Wednesday, September 22. After being treated, Tukul Arwana is suspected of having a brain hemorrhage. Currently, he is still being treated intensively at the Central Brain Hospital, Cawang, East Jakarta.

Brain hemorrhage is a health disorder that must be treated quickly and appropriately. Because if not, then the flow of blood and oxygen to vital organs can be disrupted.

Cerebral hemorrhage occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts so that oxygen and essential nutrients in the brain can no longer be delivered. If left untreated, nerve cells can be damaged, which can lead to physical, mental, and even death.

Citing the Kompas page, Thursday, September 23, the condition of a brain hemorrhage can be caused by several things, such as;

  1. Head trauma due to an accident, fall or blow to the head
  2. High blood pressure
  3. Fatty buildup in the arteries or atherosclerosis
  4. Blood clots in the brain
  5. Ruptured brain aneurysm
  6. Protein buildup in the artery walls of the brain
  7. Leakage of connections between arteries and veins
  8. Bleeding disorders or side effects of blood-thinning drugs
  9. Brain tumors
  10. Smoking, excessive drinking, drug abuse
  11. Eclampsia and bleeding during childbirth
  12. Collagen formation disorders

While the usual symptoms experienced by patients are sudden severe headache, stiff neck, feeling sick, confused, unable to stand glare or light, difficulty walking, moving, or talking, body shaking, seizures, fainting or difficulty staying awake, and bleeding. or fluid from the ear.

To help locate the location of a brain hemorrhage like the one experienced by Tukul Arowana, the doctor will perform actions such as a CT scan or an X-ray scan.

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