5 Couple Therapys That Can Be Done To Improve Marriage Relations
Illustration (Gabriel Bastelli/Pexels)

JAKARTA - The longer the couple is together, the more efforts that must be made to build a relationship. Couples need to be involved in things that aim to improve their relationship or are called connection rituals. This term was created by The Gottmans, to maintain the quality of their relationship with each other in the midst of busy work and being a parent.

This ritual can be done every day, weekly, monthly, or annually, and each couple can adjust it according to their wishes. For example, daily rituals such as hugging for 15 minutes in the morning, and annual rituals such as childless weekends. As long as it is consistent and prioritized, the couple will feel the benefits of it.

Spouse therapy can also be done regularly. Whether it aims to build deeper relationships with your partner, wants to overcome difficult times in marriage, or just to know how to improve bonds.

Having the same vision and mission as a partner certainly feels good. Even, setting a common goal gives a spirit to face the future. This can be done once a year on New Year's Eve. Or it can also be every few months when you are relaxed. It depends on your agreement and your partner set the time.

The goal of setting time is to give space to open conversations related to hope and dreams so that you and your partner can stay in harmony, support each other, and stay on the same thoughts. Take also time to review the goals you and your partner have created after a certain period of time. This gives you the opportunity to celebrate everything that has been achieved and recognize areas that need to be improved.

Of course there are many things that you appreciate from your partner. Try taking 15 minutes from your day to just express your gratitude can make your partner feel better. Research also shows that practicing gratitude can help increase self-esteem and grow a higher level of optimism.

Take 30 minutes to each other to convey the concerns they face. After the delivery session is over, ask each other to repeat and validate whatever is expressed. Make eye contact while speaking.

Listening to and responding actively shows your partner that you're listening to what they're saying. Research shows that it helps other people feel more emotionally supported and makes your partner really feel listened to and understood. They feel comfortable and safe knowing you're really listening and thinking about what they're saying.

Physical touch is one of the main differences between romantic love and plaonist love. Even though each partner has their own preferences in terms of intimacy, hugging, kissing, holding hands, and having sex is still very important for the health of your relationship.

For simple physical intimacy exercises for 15 minutes, try a touch that is synchronized. Start by dealing with each other and taking a deep breath several times to harmonize your breathing. Continue by holding your hand, note the warmness of their touch and how you feel about that closeness. Circulating to explore various forms of physical touch together, mimic what each other does in real-time. Try to let yourself relax and completely immerse in the experience.

Every now and then, do activities that can give you and your partner spontaneous pleasure. Spontaneous activities can be done by trying something new with your partner, such as learning new hobbies, attending classes together, or taking a trip to a popular place.

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